Chapter 16

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Dr. Andrews smiled to a nervous Brooke, "Do not fret, Ian is right here, your home safe and sound. Listen to the sound of my voice, your calm, safe. Listen to my voice as you slowly feel yourself sinking. Your safe, your calm, still sinking into sleep...."

Brooke sighed as her eyes drifted closed.

"Brooke, I want you to try to remember, can you do that for me?"

Brooke's brow wrinkled as she nodded.

"Very good, can you tell me where you are?"

"I'm... I'm in the music room."

"Very good, how old are you?"

"I... think I'm sixteen..", Brooke wet her lips nervously.

"What are you doing in there?"

Brooke had a tear ease out of her closed eye, "Competing."

"For what Brooke?"

"Our food.."

Dr. Andrews noticed Ian press his eyes in anger.

"What's happening now?"

Brooke's chest heaved, "I messed up.. on purpose.."

Dr. Andrews swallowed a lump in his throat, "Why did you miss up?"

"She hadn't eaten in three days.. I felt bad for her."

Ian ran his hand through his hair as he stared out into space.

Brooke then loudly gasped, "Teacher knows.. I'm sorry.. I'll play it right... Stop..! Stop...! Your killing her...!"

Dr Andrews immediately snapped his fingers. Brooke snapped her frightened eyes open.

Ian eased down in front of her and cupped her face, "I'm here.. your safe.."

Brooke silently cried as she looked at him, " I wish it were true.."

Ian pursed his lips and looked to Dr. Andrews, "What now?"

He gently shook his head, "Give her time. She can't relive everything at once."

Ian turned back to Brooke, "Ill get you a glass of water."

Dr. Andrews followed him into the kitchen, "Ian, we could be in over our heads, especially if she is a witness to murder."

Ian turned an angered face to his friend, "Can't you place her under again and just ask her?"

He lowered his head and shook it, "My method is to let the patient guide you. They know what their mind can handle."

Ian sighed as he looked up in frustration, "I don't want to cause her any more pain. The session is over for today."

Dr. Andrews lightly patted his shoulder and took his leave.

Ian slowly shuffled back into the living room to find Brooke staring off into space, "Do you wish you never met me?" She slowly turned her eyes to him.

Ian sighed and kneeled down in front of her, "I wish I had known you sooner, so I could have saved you."

Brooke looked down as she slowly rocked, "There are others.."


She looked back to him, "Other girls, my age, younger, much younger."

He felt sick to his stomach as he pressed for more, "Brooke.. Who did they condition you for?"

Her lip quivered, "I remember.. a man came in the music room a year after they took me. Teacher said, "Mr. Donovan, this is Brooke. She is my highest prize yet."

Mr. Donovan was in his early twenties, and was dressed in a designer suit. He gave a handsome smirked to the young child, "Can you play something for me?"

Brooke cut her eyes to Teacher and waited for her to nod; she gave Brooke the signal to start. She slightly sighed and started to play "Chopin's Fantasie Impromptu in C Sharpe."

Mr. Donovan cocked an eyebrow as he watched the young prodigy play with ease. He wondered if that was the song of her choice or was commanded. Either way he was pleased. He whispered to Teacher, "Do you have a photo of her mother?"

Teacher opened her file with an evil grin, "Of course, as you can see the child is a replica. I think when the time comes you will be most pleased."

Mr. Donovan studied the photo of mother and daughter. He winked to Teacher as he handed it back to her, "Ill  take her.."

Teacher gave a low chuckle, "All in good time Mr. Donovan. Besides, we are not monsters now are we..?"

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