Chapter 26

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Brooke held her breath as she faced the mirror. She bit her lip as she pondered what Ian would be wearing to Sofie's fundraiser.

Ian sighed as he looked at the time of his smart watch. When he looked up from the sound of Brooke's heels against the marble floor, he was dumbfounded. "I... Ian.."

Brooke smirked and pointed to herself, "Me.. Brooke.." He still had a look of shock as she stepped to him, "You feeling okay?"

Ian snapped out of his trance, "Wait..What..? What did I just say..?"

Brooke pecked him on the cheek, "You told me that I was beautiful."

Ian smirked as he offered her his arm.


When the couple arrived, the fundraiser was in full swing

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When the couple arrived, the fundraiser was in full swing.

Brooke's brow wrinkled as she noticed Sofie seemed distraught. She turned to Ian, but he was having a conversation with another man. She slightly pursed her lips to the side and push through the crowd.

Sofie slightly jumped as Brooke tapped her on the shoulder, "Sofie.. What's wrong?"

Sofie looked as though she was about to cry, "Oh, you look so pretty..."

"Sofie.. tell me what's wrong..?"

Sofie sniffed, "Some of those older members were telling others how bad the venue was, the foods wrong, and no live entertainment. It's a disaster."

Brooke looked back to Ian and sighed as she spotted a tall blonde now flirting and talking with him. She turned back to Sofie with an evil smile, "Leave the entertainment to me."

Ian was spotted by an old ex girlfriend, Kelly James. She had left him to pursue her modeling career and was in town for the season. Ian was trying to be polite as he scanned the room for Brooke. His attention along with everyone else's was drawn to the grand piano as someone started to play and sing.

"It's been a long time since I came around
Been a long time but I'm back in town
This time I'm not leaving without you"

Ian was in a daze as he saw Brooke entertaining the entire room. He slowly started to walk towards her, but was stopped by Kelly's gasp. He cut a cold glare to her, "Not now!"

Kelly scoffed at him as he walked away.

"You taste like whiskey when you kiss me, oh
I'd give anything again to be your baby doll
This time I'm not leaving without you"

Ian had eased to the front of the crowd and smiled as Brooke smiled back to him.

His eyebrows raised as he noticed her change in the song,

"Ian said, Sit back down where you belong
In the corner of my bar with your high heels on
Sit back down on the couch where we
Made love the first time and you said to me,"

"There's, "What is there?" She held up her hand to her ear and the crowd sung the next line, "(Something), something about this place"

She nodded and smiled as she continued, "(Something), something, 'bout lonely nights
And my lipstick on Ian's face"

Ian leaned his head back and chuckled.

Something, something about
My cool Nebraska guy
Yeah, there's something about
Baby, you and I..."

After she finished her song, the whole venue clapped and cheered as she slid from the piano stool. Ian slowly walked to her and held up her hand for her to take a bow. She blushed and bowed. When she stood up again her smile eased as Ian had eased down on one knee.

Brooke looked as though she was about to burst into tears as she covered her face. Ian bit his lip as he stood and hugged her to him, "Hey now.."

She pressed her eyes closed into his chest. She felt the whole room looking at her for an answer, "Ian..,"

Ian gently pulled her face from hiding. She had big tears easing down her face, "I love you. Will you marry me?"

Brooke smiled as she sobbed and nodded. The whole room cheered as they saw her answer.

Sofie eased to Brooke with tears in her eyes as she hugged her, "Im so proud of you! Ian never told me you could sing and play."

Brooke shyly shrugged, "Its nothing really."

Sofie beamed at her future sister in law, "You didn't have to do that."

Brooke squeezed her hand, "I wanted to."

Sofie patted her face and smiled. She was then bombarded with other members praising her fundraiser.

Brooke eased back as Ian lead her away, "You didn't have to do that.."

Brooke gave him a side glance, "Who's the blonde?"

Ian chuckled as he looked to her, "The past."

Brooke laughed as she spotted the woman glaring at them, "Well I think your past hates your future."

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