Chapter 10

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Ian rubbed his sleepy eyes as he made his way to the bathroom. He bit his lip as he saw Brooke standing under the waterfall shower head. She had her eyes closed as the water spilled over her naked perfect body. He slowly took off his pajama pants and strutted into the open shower. Brooke ease her eyes open as she felt someone else was with her, "Ian.. what are you doing..?"

He continued to bite his lip as he stood under the shower but didn't touch her, "I'm taking a shower, what are you doing?"

Brooke wrinkled her brow and pursed her lips, "I'm almost finished." She turned away from him as she rinsed the rest of the suds from her body. She felt his eyes burning into her skin; she spun around to face him, "What are you looking at..?"

Ian chuckled and stepped to her and caressed her face, "Why you of course.."

He leaned in to kiss her but she turned away, "Ian.. you said just that once.."

He stroked her bottom lip, "Yes.. I did. Did you not like it?"

Brooke pressed her eyes closed, "Please don't do this.."

Ian had a darker look in his eyes as he cupped both sides of her face, "Brooke, I know it was your first time last night. If you did belong to anyone, they are a damn fool to let you out of their sight."

He forcefully pulled her against him and pressed his lips to her collar bone; she gasped loudly as they traveled down between her breast. She pressed her eyes closed as he continued to go lower. She bit her lip as he spoke on her inner thigh, "Tell me you don't want me.. (Kiss) Tell me you want this to stop.. (Kiss) She let out a strangled cry as his lips met between her legs.

She was shaking, "Ian please! My legs are getting weak.."

He smirked as he raised up and cradled her. He plopped her on the plush bed and dove back in where he started. He was amused by her pleading and whispers, "Ian.. Oh please.. I.. I can't think.."

He looked up to her from her legs, "Perfect."

She rolled her eyes as she bucked from her oral orgasim. She was gasping as he  crawled back up to her and thrusted into her. Her brow was wrinkled as she rocked from his thrust while he stared down at her, "Ian.. Why..?"

Ian grunted as he spoke, "I.. I don't want to let you go now. I'm going to put up a fight if someone comes for you."

Brooke closed her eyes as she smiled, "Do you want me to stay..?"

Ian gasped as he almost lost his concentration, "Yes.."

Brooke felt tears building in her eyes as she climaxed around him, Ian followed her lead.

Brooke felt tears building in her eyes as she climaxed around him, Ian followed her lead

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After Brooke was dressed, she slid across the suites floor to answer the door. She was puzzled from what she found on the other side, "Room Service." Brooke watch with a questionable face as the attendant pushed the cart in.

Ian smiled as he shuffled up to the dumbfounded beauty, "Ever had a Coke float?"

Brooke blushed as she shook her head, "Not that I can remember."

Ian bit his lip as he smiled and lead her by the hand to the kitchen, he handed the server a nice tip and prepared her a drink, "It seems you have been denied a great deal, so I aim to catch the little things up."

Brooke slid onto a bar stool as she watched him prepare one of his favorite treats. He slowly slid the frothy drink to her. She beamed up at his face and waited. He gave an eased smile, "You may drink it."

She leaned over the glass and placed her lips on the straw and drank. Her eyes widened as she smiled to him, "Oh wow! This is really good!"

Ian chuckled as he placed his straw on the other side and helped her drink it. He realized that they were in a supposed drinking match. Brooke's brow wrinkled as she leaned back from the drink, "Oh, my head!"

Ian almost spit his gulp out but swallowed, "Brain freeze..!"

Brooke rubbed her forehead and frowned, "Does that always happen?"

Ian stopped laughing, "Was that your first one?"

She shrugged as she made circles on the counter, "Maybe.."

Ian slowly slid the glass closer to her, "The rest is yours."

She happily smiled as she slowly drank her treat. Ian felt heavy sympathy towards her and pondered if he was a terrible person for seducing her. She was much younger than him, was he doing her an injustice for wanting to keep her all for himself. Even if she wanted to leave, would he let her?"

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