Chapter 11

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Brooke nervously fidgeted her fingers as the car pulled up to a massive entertainment venue. Ian slowly helped her out and held her hand as they were bombarded again with flashing lights of the media. One of the photographers asked for a shot of them together, he placed his arm around her waist and turned to the flashing lights. Brooke never felt so out of place.

Ian was amused once again as Brooke walked into the theater lobby

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Ian was amused once again as Brooke walked into the theater lobby. It was like she was seeing the world for the first time. The couple happily followed their attendant to their private box. The young woman smiled at Ian, "Can I get you anything sir?"

Isn jerked his tie loose and smiled as he took it off, "Yeah, if you see this hanging on the door knob, please don't disturb me and my friend."

The woman squinted but then smirked, "Would you and your friend like company?"

Ian's eyebrows shot up in amusement, he look at Brooke as she sat quietly looking over the balcony, "I don't like to share.. With anyone.." He turned his handsome face back to the fuming attendant and hung his tie on the door then closed it.

Brooke smiled and affectionately snuggled to his arm as she eagerly waited. Ian looked at her with sympathetic eyes and the words just came out, "I love you."

Brooke turned her shocked face to him, "I.."

Ian cupped her face, "You don't have to say anything. I just wanted you to know."

Brooke leaned in and passionately kissed him. She could feel him pull her closer by her hips. She smirked against them as she spoke, "Ian, people can see us."He growled as he released her. She watched as he angrily pulled the privacy curtain closed, "Can we be quiet?"

Ian shrugged, "Who cares!" He pulled her from the seat and lead her to the middle of the box. It looked like a small parlor with a red velvet Victorian couch, across the small area was a buffet table and a large oval mirror. He feverishly kissed her back as he slowly eased her dress off. Brooke turned to him and pulled his jacket off and undid his belt and dress slacks. Ian gave a devilish smile as he lead her to the couch corner and leaned her over the side arm. She could see his actions in the mirror as kissed the back of her neck and cupped her breast. She let out a little innocent sigh. She glanced over and watched as he released his throbbing member from its confinement. He heaved as he leaned her forward and slipped into her. Brooke was amazed at the sight of their love making she screamed out as he pounded into her. Ian smiled at her ecstasy and moaned from his.

In the adjoining boxes, an older woman was fanning herself from her embarrassment. She rolled her eyes as she heard Brooke scream, "Oh God!" Then came Ian's loud grown of release.

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