Chapter 19

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Brooke could feel Ian's eyes burning into her skin as she walked on deck. She took a seat on the edge of the boat to let her toes dangle into the blue water. Ian's patience was wearing thin. His devil smile pressed across his face, "Brooke?"

She kept her gaze straight ahead as she smirked, "Yes Ian?"

"How about a friendly competition?"

She could feel him tower over as he stepped to her. She turned her face up and blocked the sunlight from her eyes, "What do you mean?"

Ian eased down beside her and sat, "Whoever catches the first fish wins."

"Wins what?"

He couldn't help but chuckled, "Anything they want."

Brooke gulped louder than she wanted to. She could tell that her inexperience was still amusing, "Uuhh.. Okay.."

Ian taught her the basic casting skills as he pressed his chest against her back. She smiled as he lead her arm with the motions of casting. Ian couldn't help himself and caught himself pulling her tight ass against his budge.

He quickly snapped out of her hypnotizing body when she cleared her throat, "Ian, you haven't won yet."

He slowly released his grasp and started to fish for his prize. They sat there quietly as they focused. Brooke broke the silence, "Ian?"


She nibbled on her bottom lip for courage, "Do... Do guys.."

Ian smiled as he continued to focus on his rod, "Spit it out, I won't laugh."

Brooke sighed, "Do guys like to be kissed down there?"

Ian's face quickly shot to hers, "What?"

She nervously shook her head, "Never mind.."

Ian cleared his throat as he tried to maintain his cool, "Yes.. we do.. Why do you ask?"

She pushed her lips to one side, "Well, when you kiss me there, it feels nice. I didn't know if it felt the same way for you."

Ian rolled his head in frustration, "Yep, it's just as nice sometimes better for us."

"Hmmm.." was her only response.

Ian hoped she couldn't see his huge bulge that was pressing against his shorts.

His eyes widened at her next question, "Would you like me to kiss you?"

Brooke was surprised by the noise of him swallowing loudly, "Yyy... Yes please."

Brooke shyly eased off of the deck and offered him her hand. He was slightly angry at himself acting like a high school boy. He slowly lead her down to the cabin of the ship.

Brooke had butterflies in her stomach, "Um... How..?"

Ian leaned in and softly kissed her. She moaned as he cupped her breast and massaged them. He turned his mouth to her ear and whispered, "Get down on your knees, and I'll tell you how to."

He held her hands and helped her down. She shyly looked up to him with her big doe eyes. He gently stroked the corner of her mouth and eventually eased his thumb in. He pulled it in and out, he was surprised as she gently sucked on his movements, "That's very good. Now; if you still want to, can you release me?"

Brooke tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and released his throbbing excitement. She placed her soft hand around it as she stroked while looking up to him, "Am I..?"

He leaned his head back as he pushed out the words, "You're doing great.." He looked down to her as he tried to stay focused, "Now.. just for a taste test, lick the tip."

Brooke smiled as she gently placed her tongue on the tip of his member and did a long lick. Ian hissed through his teeth as he reared his head back. Brooke was worried, "Oh no.. did that hurt..?"

Ian has frantically breathing, "No, no, no.. That was very nice. Did you want to go on?"

Brooke continued to slowly stroke him for the next command, "Mmm..  Okay, gently place only your lips around him, slowly bob your head while you suck and gently rotate your wrist."

She closed her eyes as she placed her lips around him. Her eyes opened as he gasped at her oral magic, "Fuuuckk.. Oh God..! "Ian flexed his hips gently with her rhythm as he held on to a handful of her hair, "Brooke... Oh.. your doing so good.. mmm.. I'm so close.." Brooke moaned with delight as she brought him pleasure. Ian wished he would last longer, but his lust was too intense, "Brooke...I'm about to cum.. If you want to swallow, push him to the back of your throat, or I can cum somewhere.."

Brooke didn't give him a chance to answer as she pushed his thick shaft to the back of her throat. Ian gasped with an open mouth as he spasmed inside her warm mouth, "Ooooohh...! Aaaahh..!"

She moaned as she swallowed every drop. She loved watching him trying to catch his breath from her pleasuring him.  He smiled as he looked down to the innocent student, "Holly shit..! I've never came so fast."

Brooke giggled as she raised herself off of the floor, she pecked him on the lips and headed back up on deck. Ian was still in shock as he thought to himself, "Did that just really happened?"

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