Chapter 22

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Brooke sat frozen in front of her friend Helen. Her eyes pleading to her distress. She would cut her eyes back and forth to her and Teacher as she circled her young victim.

"Oh Helen. I'm so disappointed in you. Why did you have to go and ruin yourself?"

Brooke turned her eyes back to the tied up Helen. Her breathing was frantic as she tried to breath through her ducked tapped mouth.

Teacher chuckled as she continued to circle her, "Calm down this won't hurt a bit, and that bastard in your belly.. won't feel a thing.."

Brooke froze as Helen pressed her eyes closed as Teacher pointed the pistol to her head and pulled the trigger. (Bang!)

Brooke flenched as blood splattered on her face, she held on to the side of her chair as she frantically rocked and tried to catch her breath along with her sanity. She tried to scream but her words escaped as a high pitched whisper, "Oh my God.. Oh.. my God.. I..I..."

Teacher leaned down in front of her, "Shhh.. Ssshh.. There.. there Brooke.. I had to do it.. She had to go and be a bad.. bad example by getting knocked up.. So.. I had to make her an example.. Sssh.. Don't worry.. She didn't feel any pain.. " Teacher pressed her head to her shoulder as Brooke's terrified eyes stared at her now dead friend.

She gasped as she sat up on the living room sofa. She pulled her knees to her chest and rocked and thought, "Oh God.. Oh God.. She's gone.. I... I... I'm alone again."

Brooke's head shot up as she heard Ian approaching from the dark hallway, "Brooke, are you alright?"

He had sympathy in his eyes as he eased next to her on the couch. She pulled her legs closer to her so she wouldn't touch him. He slightly pursed his lips, "You had another nightmare, but this one.. Was worse than before."

Brooke blankly looked to him, "I'm sorry I woke you. I'll go to the guest cottage."

Ian grabbed her wrist as she tried to push from the sofa, "Sit down!"

She pressed her teeth as she rolled her wrist from his grasp, "No, thank you."

He huffed as he followed her out the door, "Brooke, can we talk?"

She tipped toed through the sandy path, "There is nothing to talk about. We will be free of each other soon, I'll sleep here and give you piece and quiet." Brooke immediately jumped at the sound of distant thunder and stared at the lighting that streaked across the night sky.

She pursed her lips as Ian leaned down and whispered in her ear, "The guest cottage does not have hurricane storm doors. I highly suggest you come back to the main house."

Brooke cocked an eyebrow and shook her head. Ian growled as he pressed his hands on top of his head. He watched her figure tipped to down the trail. His heart skipped a beat as he watched her stop when lightning flashed again. She paused but continued to her destination. He growled as he turned back to the main house.

Brooke breathed heavily as she sat alone in the dark guest house. The small house creaked and moaned as the wind grew stronger. She sat and rocked on the sofa as she covered her ears and pressed her eyes closed. Just as she thought that the house couldn't take anymore of the storm, she screamed as Ian kicked in the cottage door.

He could tell she was clearly more frightened of his angry expression than the hell that raged outside. She whimpered as he roughly pulled her from the sofa and threw her over his wet shoulder as though she weighed nothing.

Her eyes searched the ground and he carried her through the storms war zone. The wind and rain beat against them, stinging their skin. When he reached the inside, Ian gently placed her feet on the wooden floor and secured the door of the main house. She looked down as he turned his handsome angry face to her shivering form. He ached to pull her to him, but kept his restraint and walked past her.

Brooke pressed her eyes closed as she shivered and thought, "I wish it had been true."

Ian laid in bed as he rubbed his temples. He eased up as he heard the bathroom shower turn on. He slowly pattered to bathroom as he stripped off of his wet clothes.

Brooke leaned into the hot water as it spilled over her. Her body ached from all the shivering.

Ian's hand gently pulled the shower door open and quietly closed it back.

Brooke paused in a daze as she slowly turned to the shower entrance. She stopped halfway as she covered her chest. She didn't say a word, she only gave a blank stare. Ian stepped to her. She looked side to side as she backed up. As he took another step to her, she could feel her bottom press against the cold tiled wall. Ian kept a blank stare as he raised his hand and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. She whimpered and pressed her eyes closed as she turned her face a way in pain.

"Brooke.. Please look at me."

Brooke turned her tear filled eyes to him. She stared at his lips as he wet them, "I'm going to prove to you, how much I really love you."

Her eyes eased closed as he leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to her cheek. She held her breath as he pushed away and left her alone with her shock.

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