Chapter 13

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Ian's tired eyes glared at his laptop. It was 12: 30 and he had a massive report that needed to be done before his meeting in two days. His attention was drawn away as he saw a shadow walk across the doorway. He eased from his office chair and looked down the hall but saw nothing. He turned back to his desk, but stopped as he heard Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata playing perfectly. He roughly rubbed his tired face, "Brooke." Every step he took to the beautiful sound made his heart ache. He had heard the song before, but not played by someone that he cared for. Someone that he loved.

He slightly gasped as she played in her trance, "I won't marry him.."

"What?" Ian was dumbfounded.

She continued in her daze, "I'd rather die than marry someone I don't love."
Ian stood silently as he continued to listen as Brooke had a private conversation from her past. "Hmm.. That is a lot of money and time that you invested in my conditioning. Your prized pupil you say.. I would call it a prisoner, wouldn't you?"

Ian took a step closer, he restrained himself from touching her and waking her.

"I know I don't have a choice, I saw what you did to Helen." She chuckled as a tear eased down her cheek, "And she was better than I.. Oh yes, I know what nightmares you can make come true. Do not worry, I will do as you wish. Now leave me, I would like to play in peace."

Ian slowly backed away with tears in his eyes. He sat on a chair as he watched her slowly came an end to her beautiful sad song.

He watched her when she finished her playing. She leaned over the piano as she sobbed.

Ian's heart was breaking, he knew she would not remember this tomorrow.

I highly suggest you play Beethoven's #14 in C Sharpe while you read this part.

The next morning, Brooke could feel Ian was uneasy. He was silent, and when he looked at her, all she could see was sadness. Had she said or did something wrong? In her mind she was going mad, she wanted to.. to.. play!! Dear God she couldn't get the the lobby piano fast enough. Ian called out to her as she ran and sat down at the keys and furiously started to play Beethoven's Sonata number 14 in C Sharpe. Ian growled as he watched the lobby filled with spectators. People from off the street was also piling in to see the young beauty banging on the keys. His anger eased as her eyes locked on his with anger. He swallowed hard as he realized he was the cause of her anger. With the crowd continuing to grow, her safety was his number one concern, "Brooke! You need to stop..!" Brooke ignored him as she smirked as she feverishly banged on the keys. Ian's eyes searched the lobby as people took out there phones to record her. He quietly thought to himself, "They will find her!"

Ian pushed the crowd with determination. One guy turned to face his pusher, "Hey man!"

Ian grabbed him by his shirt collar and head butted the angry man that blocked his path, "Brooke! Stop! Now! Or.. " Should he do it? " I command you to stop or you will not have permission!"

Brooke gasped as her playing slowly dissipated. She looked down ashamed as Ian approached her at the piano bench. She shyly took his hand as he offered it to her. The crowd parted as he lead her to the elevator. The crowd stood in silence as the prodigy left them in amazement and sadness.

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