Chapter 20

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Once again, Ian was amused as he lead an amazed Brooke to the islands waterfall. She stood with her open smile as he released her hand. Ian stepped back as he disappeared into the islands greenery. "Ian, I never thought I would see one." She turned to look to him, but found herself alone. Her eyes frantically searched the area, "Ian?!"

"Up here!"

She spun around to the sound of his voice. She covered her mouth as she spotted him on top of the cascading water, "Ian! Please come down!"

Ian chuckled as he took two steps back, "Okay!"

Brooke's eyes widened in terror, "No!" She watched as he jumped from the rock and into the water below. "Ian...? Ian?!!" She frantically breathed as she reached the waters edge, "Ian..? Please come up.." She was on the verge of tears until Ian pulled her into the water. She frantically thrashed as she tried to reach the surface.

Ian placed his strong hands on both sides of her hips and pulled her up from behind. She gasped for air as she reached the surface.

Ian circled his arm around her waist and pulled her to the rocks edge and placed her on it. Brooke locked an angry scowl to him as she continued to catch her breath and temper. He leaned back in to water with a pouted lip, "Don't be mad."

Brooke pulled her knees up to her chest and looked away.

Ian swam back to her and leaned up to the the ledge, "Hey now.." He tried to tickle her leg, but she turned to the side. "Are you going to pout all day?"

Brooke turned a hurt expression to him, "Why did you want to scare me?"

"It was a joke." She continued to look sad as he sighed, "Maybe a really bad one.." He pulled himself up beside her and pulled her into his lap, "I'm sorry. I won't scare you again."

Brooke continued to look down and away, "I'm sorry if I overreacted." She turned back to him, "But I thought that.."

Ian tipped her chin up to him and kissed her. He rubbed the tip of his nose to hers, "No, I'm sorry. Can I make it up to you?"

She leaned away with a smirk, "How?"

He eased down into the water and reached for her with his arms out. Brooke hesitated but eased down into them. Ian guided her to a small cave entrance, "Okay, you're going to have to take a breath. I'll help you, okay?"

Brooke shyly nodded and waited for his count. On the count of three, he eased her under and swam with her to the other side.

Ian sat in the shallow water as he watched Brooke stand under the fresh water shower

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Ian sat in the shallow water as he watched Brooke stand under the fresh water shower. She smiled as she ran her hands through her hair with her eyes closed. They slowly eased open as she felt Ian's fingertips caressed her stomach. She shivered as he nuzzled his nose onto her neck and placed a warm kiss on her skin. She leaned into his embrace as she tilted her head up. Ian continued to feverishly kiss her neck as one of his hands eased down to the front of her briefs. She gasped as he slowly rubbed between her legs and clit. Ian's grasp became tighter as Brooke's legs became weak. Her eyes eased open as she felt him pushed the back of her briefs to the side.

Broke hadn't realized that Ian had pulled down his shorts, she gasped as he leaned her against the cave wall and nudged her legs apart with his knee.

He moaned as he eased into her from behind and started to thrust slowly. Ian was trying his best to make it last, until he heard her whimper, "Ian, that feels so nice." He exhaled a groan as he placed a hand over her lower abdomen right above her womb. Brooke sighed at the sensation from the pressure of his warm hand as it pushed him in deeper.

"Ah.. Fuck.." Ian sped up only a little as he tried to maintain control.

Brooke sighed louder as the butterflies in her lower stomach grew, "Right there Ian..."

He let out a low growl as he leaned and towered over her. He increased his speed as their bodies made a slapping noise every time he thrusted. Brooke cried out as her legs shook from her orgasim. Ian pressed his lips to the back of her shoulder as his abdomen flexed uncontrollably as he spasmed inside her.

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