Chapter 14

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The couple stood silently as they waited for the elevator door to open. They both stared straight ahead in a daze, as they tried to think through what just happened. In both of their minds was torture.

Ian: "Dear God, what have I done?"

Brooke: "Permission.. Permission.. I thought that was over.."

Ian: "She will never trust me again.."

Brooke: "I feel so small.. I should have asked.."

Ian: "What will I do if she leaves?"

Brooke: "What will I do if he doesn't want me for being disobedient?"

Both at the same time: "I don't want to go on.."

They both gave a shaking sigh as the elevator door opened. Ian's staff stood silently as they noticed the couple standing so far apart. They didn't speak a word as they parted like the Red Sea as Ian walked out of the small metal box. He paused as he realized she wasn't following. He cleared his throat to fight back a shaky command as he was on the verge of tears, "Please.. Come Brooke." She held her gaze down as she followed her master. His staff was puzzled as they watched the scene play out. Ian slowly shut the door as Brooke entered. She stood silently as he took a seat behind his desk and started to work. Ten minutes later he peeked from around his computer and noticed the young beauty was still standing, waiting for... "Permission.." , he cursed himself. He pressed his eyes closed, took a deep breath and slowly walked to her. As he towered over her shaking frame, he slowly eased down on his knees in front of her and pressed his forehead against her lower abdomen. Brooke lips quivered as she heard heard and felt him cry against her. She continued to look straight ahead and covered her own sobs with her hands as he spoke, "Please.. Don't leave me.. I'm so sorry., I would never starve, beat or hurt you intentionally."

Brooke slowly looked down to his tear filled eyes with her own as she caressed his face. He eased his eyes closed as she  tenderly showed affection and thought, "I maybe a fool to believe him, but I can't help but love him."

Ian eased from his knees and pulled her into a gentle kiss, "I love you Brooke, I was afraid someone would recognize you, and take you away from me."

She stared at his chiseled face, "Why would you worry?"

His eyes searched her face as he told her, "Last night, you had a conversation about marrying someone you didn't love. Someone conditioned you for them. You spoke of a Helen being punished for refusing. I.. I don't want someone to do that to you, especially since I took something that was dear to you."

Brooke shook her head with a concerned look, "I gave that to you freely. If I had asked you to stop, I know you would have. Do not feel guilty over the gift of free will."

Ian felt more tears building, "I'm sorry I .."

She quickly interrupted him, "Ian, I love you.."

He stood in shock as her face had pain as she said the words, "What.?"

She answered with a shaking whisper, "I love you."

He crush her with his arms as he quickly carried her to his office sofa. Brooke gasped as he ripped open her shirt and destroyed it in the process. He leaned away from her as he straddled her; she watched as he couldn't remove his tie and shirt fast enough to feel her skin against his. He pressed himself on top of her bare flesh as his hands traveled up her pencil skirt. She pouted and whimpered as his hands stroked between her legs. Ian was amused with every stroke, her hips would rise and fall with his rhythm. His smile widened as he felt her delicate hands fumbling with his belt. They both breathed deeply as they kissed, Brooke moaned into his mouth as he slowly eased into her.

Ian tucked his face into her neck as he felt her spread her legs and raised them higher for him to thrust deeper, "Dear God.." he whispered against her skin.

Brooke tilted her head back as she grabbed his backside and squeezed his tight flexing buns, "That feels so good.. don't stop.."

Ian was in torture as he tried to keep control, "Brooke.. I love you.. Don't ever fear me.."

She sighed and smiled as she raised her legs higher and wider, "Ian... I love you too.. Don't let them take me.."

He growled at the thought of someone ever hurting her. His hips flexed faster and harder. He pressed his teeth as he could feel her closing in around him. She whimpered with what sounded like pain, but with him hitting her g-spot at the perfect angle, she gasped loudly as her dam busted, "Oh.. shit.."

Ian moaned the loudest he ever had as she came hard around him.

Outside the door, the three assistants were standing on shock as they stared at his office door.

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