Chapter 3

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Ian slowly walked down the dark hallway. He could hear the grand piano lightly playing in the distance. His bare feet lightly patted against the floor. He stopped at the top of the stairs and watched as Brooke played a very difficult piece perfectly. Ian eased down the stairs and quietly walked to her. He stood silently as he admired her tiny frame and perfect curves from behind. He slowly placed his finger tips on her bare shoulder.

Brooke spun around and gasped as she jumped from the piano bench, "I'm so sorry.. I should have asked before.."

Ian took a step towards her, but she matched one away, "Its okay Brooke. You don't have to apologize." His face showed sympathy as he watched her chest heaved with anxiety. He wanted to pull her to him and just hold her, but he barely knew her. Brooke was still uncertain if she was in the clear yet or not. Her fear eased as she saw him smile and offered her the bench again, "Please continue, this time don't worry about waking me."

Brooke slightly hesitated but took a seat. She sighed heavily as she pressed her fingers into the keys and played "Piano Sonata Number 8, by Mozart."

Ian watched awe as she passionately banged on the keys. Her eyes closed but her brow would flex with the intensity of her playing.

Brooke's breathing became intense as a memory shlashed through her mind, "Again! But do it right this time." Her brow became more angry when the voice continued, "Why must you waste my time! (Slap)" She gasped and pushed away from the instrument as the stinging sensation burned her hand.

Ian jumped to his feet as she saw her distress, "Are you okay? Did you remember something?" He eased over to her and lightly stroked her cheek.

Brooke looked down in a daze on the verge of tears, "I would like to go to bed now please."

Ian hadn't realized what he was doing until her request to leave, "Sure, we will talk about it tomorrow."

Brooke nervously nodded and headed upstairs without looking at him, "Good night."

He sighed, "Goodnight Brooke."

The next morning Ian was rushing through his apartment trying to find his phone. He could smell a delight coming from the kitchen, and went to investigate.

 He could smell a delight coming from the kitchen, and went to investigate

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Brooke was dressed in the same clothes before. He admired her body as he pursed his lips, "Why won't she just help herself with Decras things?"

Brooke spoke to him as she continued to cook, "It will be ready in five minutes."

"I'm sorry to run, but I have a meeting that I will be late for. Thank you for the thought." Ian spotted his phone on the counter and left without saying goodbye.

Brooke sat silently as she starred at the plate of food. Her anxiety grew as she reached for the fork. As soon as her fingers touch it, her mind threw her back to a dark place, "What do you think your doing!?"

"I'm sorry, but I'm so hungry.."

(Slap! Slap!) The beating continued as the voice mocked her, "Good girls always wait.."

"No!" Brooke's eyes sprung open as she pushed away from the table. She quickly grabbed the plate and dumped the food into the trash. She tried to contain her pain, but failed as she laid on her bed and sobbed.

Ian shuffled into his dark apartment, "Brooke?" No answer. He shuffled up to her room and peaked in, he sighed as he noticed she was fast asleep. He crept in and sat on the edge of her bed and studied her beauty.

His concern came to view when she started to whine in her sleep, "No.. I'll be good.. I'll wait.. Please don't hurt her.."

Ian didn't know what to do, all he could do is sit and wonder what she was dreaming or remembering . He felt ill to his stomach as her nightmare continued, "Please.. Im so hungry.. Please.. Please.."

He couldn't take it anymore, "Brooke dear.. Wake up."

He gently shook her shoulder and leaned back as she jolted up, "No!" Her chest heaved as she covered her face and sobbed.

Ian slowly scooted over to her and held her as she cried, "It was just a dream."

She nuzzled into his suit jacket, "It seemed so real."

"What was it about?"

Brooke's crying became heavier, "I can't remember.. I can't.."

Ian tucked her head under his chin and stroked her long thick dark hair as he pondered, "Who would ever want to hurt you?"

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