Chapter 2

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Brooke looked up to the sky as she exited the hospital, "Looks like rain."
She turned her pursed lips in to a sad smile as she looked to Ian, "Thank you for your help."

Ian looked down as she offered her hand to shake it. Ian's mind was going a million miles a minute, "What will you do? Where will you go?" Brooke's smile slowly disappeared as she waited to shake his hand. His brow was now wrinkled as his mind continued to mock him, "Just another female Ian, she is no different than the others,"

Brooke placed her hand down, "I guess I'll see you around."

Ian was silent as he watched her walk down the sidewalk. His voice of reason and greed steeped in, "Go after her! She could sue you later! Get something in writing!"

Ian jogged after her as he called to her, "Brooke!"

She stopped and slowly turned around to his voice, "Yes..?"

Ian continued to have an unpleasant look about him, "I think we can come to an agreement.."Brooke cocked a questionable brow as he continued, "About paying me back that is.."

"Oh.. Okay..?"

Brooke noticed as she walked through the skyscrapers lobby, she received a lot of questionable looks. She was amazed at the penthouse view. Ian watched as she slowly walked about the apartment as though she was seeing everything for the first time. He was caught off guard as she spoke as she continued to study her surroundings, "You have a really nice home.."

Ian smile a devilish smile, "You don't know who I am do you?"

Brooke giggled as she continued her study, "I don't know who I am.. How could I possibly remember who you are?" Her smile eased as she noticed the grand piano in the living area. She slightly frowned at the sight of it.

"Touché Miss Brooke." Ian strolled over to her and offered her his hand. Brooke reluctantly took his light grasp and wondered where he was leading her.

Ian stopped in front of a hallway door and pushed it open.

Brooke's eyes quickly studied the massive room, "Is this your room?"

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Brooke's eyes quickly studied the massive room, "Is this your room?"

Ian smirked, "No. Mine is this way."

Brooke smiled at the excessive room and view, "'This is all very beautiful Ian, you should feel very proud

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Brooke smiled at the excessive room and view, "'This is all very beautiful Ian, you should feel very proud."

Ian was taken back by her kind words, "Thank you, I am." Brooke smirked as she looked outside the large window as Ian cleared his throat, "Dinner  will be served by seven."

She turned her young face to him, "Ok, thank you."

Ian slowly turned away and headed to his penthouse office.

He was surprised to see he sitting at the table promptly at seven waiting in silence. Ian cocked a questionable brow as she just smiled to him. He eased down into his seat and placed his napkin in his lap.

Broke reached for her fork, but something in her mind stopped her. The voice came as a harsh whisper, "Wait for permission...!" Brooke gasped to herself as she stared at the utensils.

Ian proceeded to eat until he realized that he was the only one enjoying the meal, "Do you not like the meal?"

Brooke silently shook her head as she looked at the plate with sad eyes, "No sir..That's not it.."

He was perplexed by her behavior, "Then what is wrong?"

Brooke heaved as her stomach growled, "I don't know.. I can't .."

Ian gave a sympathetic sigh, "Brooke look at me."She turned her  tired eyes to him, "Its ok to eat. That's why it was placed there."Brooke seemed to be more calm as she reached for the fork. She took a small bite and enjoy the taste. Ian continued to eat as he quietly thought to himself, "What have I gotten myself into?"

Brooke could not believe the massive private bathroom when Ian presented it, "Umm.. Can people see you when you shower?" She turned a questionable smile to him when she heard his amusement.

Ian bit his bottom lip as he chuckled, "No, the window has reflection glass on the other side."


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Ian watched as she walked into the stone shower to study it. He was admiring her innocent facial features. She wore a baggy white t-shirt with ripped lose jeans and an old army jacket with holes here and there. She was still beautiful in her rags. He reluctantly spoke, "I'll lay you out some clothes.. "


"My ex left some of her belongings, they should do until I get you some more." She felt weak at the knees when he turned his handsome mug to her.

"Thank you."

Ian angrily shuffled through Dedra'a belongings and found a suitable gown that still had the price tags on it. He gently ripped them off and placed the folded garment at the foot of her bed. He could hear the water running in the shower along with her singing a light opera tune. She had a beautiful voice that made his cold heart ache. He strolled to the bathroom door, but stopped himself from entering, "Don't even think about it." He slightly growled as he pushed away from temptation.

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