Chapter 17

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Brooke eased the apartment door open, "Hi. Can I help you?"

Detective Mike Fletcher was caught off guard with the woman standing before him, "I'm here to see Ian."

Brooke moved to the side as she felt him walk up behind her, "Hello Mike, please do come in."

Brooke glanced down at the handsome detectives hand and noticed a portfolio. She took her time as she followed the men into the living area.

"Mike this is Brooke, the woman I spoke to you about earlier."

Brooke quickly cut her eyes to Ian as she thought, "What has he told him?"

Mike smiled and offered his hand. She reluctantly shook it with shyness, "Ian told me a little about your unknown past, I was hoping if you could look through some of theses recent missing children's cases."

Brooke bit her bottom lip as her eyes showed emotional pain, "I... I don't know..."

Ian felt bad to ask her of this, but his friend was very persistent with these recent disappearances. He eased up to her and held her hand, "I'm right here."

She slightly nodded and took a seat. Mike placed the portfolio in front of her. Brooke held her breath as she turned to the first page.

Child: Emily McDonald
Age: 5
Missing since: Aug, 15th 2015

"I haven't seen her."

Mike sighed, "Okay, how about this one?"

Brooke again held her breath as he turned the page for her.

Child: Amanda Thrift
Age: 4
Missing since: Jan, 3rd, 2016

Brooke sighed, "I'm sorry, no."

Mike turned another page, then another. After thirty minutes, Ian was starting to become agitated with his so called friend, "I think she has gone through enough."

Mike popped his head up to Ian, he then looked over to a very distraught Brooke, "Sure, we can do this some other time."

He eased up off of the sofa and stared at Brooke until Ian offered him a hand shake. He turned back to the young beauty, "Please let me know if you remember anything."

Brooke didn't look up, but nodded. Ian was unsure her reaction to the detective. As he escorted him out, He turned to Ian, "Thanks again. Maybe we can try again tomorrow."

Ian cocked an angry brow, "Mmm.. Won't be here. Sorry man."

"Will she be here?"

Ian's other dark expression eased over his face, "No.. And even if she was, you would not have access to her. Especially alone."

Mike was shocked at his friends behavior, "Ian, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.."

Ian slung open the door, "Get out.."

Mike laughed an irritated laugh as he shook his head, "Whatever.."

Ian pressed is teeth as he slammed the heavy door. In the corner of his eye, he noticed Brooke's eased dropping form jump from the noise. His dark expression eased as he looked to her. He stood in awe as he thought to himself, "So young, so sweet, everyone wants something from you. Even me."

Brooke's dainty bare feet pattered against the marble floor. She sighed as she raised her soft hand to his cheek and stroked the side of his face with her thumb, "Hey, you okay?"

Ian's lip slightly quivered as he spoke, "I should be asking you.."

Brooke pulled him to her as she saw tears form into his eyes, "I'm always okay when I'm with you."

He breathed in the scent of her hair as he held her to him, "I love you."

She smiled as she nuzzled into his crisp collard shirt, "I love you too."

He leaned away and cupped her face and softly kissed her. She moaned as though she just ate something delicious. Which made her think out loud, "I'm.." but she stopped in mid sentence.

Ian stared intently for her words, "Go ahead.. say it.. nothing is going to hurt you.."

Brooke pressed her eyes closed, "I'm hungry, may I... Have something to eat..?"

She opened her eyes to a beaming Ian. He pressed her to him and spun her around, "I will buy a whole restaurant just to serve us madam. What would you like?"

Brooke tried to think, "A peanut butter and jelly sandwich..?"

Ian stopped spinning her, "Sure, how many?"

"Um.. one..?"

Ian smirked, "Was that a question or answer?"

Brooke shrugged, "Both.."

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