Chapter 32

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Ian and Sofie sat anxiously next to one another in the packed theater venue. He beamed as Brooke appeared on a large screen shyly smiling as the interviewer spoke, "State your full name for us please."

Brooke nervously cleared her throat, "Hello Im Brooke Crawford."

"And how are you part of the "Music for Hope foundation?"

Brooke shyly looked down then back to the interviewer, "My sister in law Sofie Crawford and I founded it."

"Why victims of human trafficking?"

Brooke swallowed back tears before she spoke, "Because I've been there. I..." She did a short pause, "I was taken when I was four."

"How many kids and adults has your foundation helped so far?"

Brooke beamed as she whipped tears from her eyes, "Hundreds, it helps me realize everyday how blessed I truly am."

"What is your best accomplishment so far?"

Brooke sighed, "I would say our therapy programs. So many people have been denied as my husband would say the little things that free people take for granted."

"And your over the music program, that's something that you see over personally?"

She gave a shy chuckle, "Yes, it's something that was actually used against me, but it's such a big part of who I am. My husband showed me a way for it to free me."

The unseen interviewer chuckled, "And that's why we are here tonight, correct?"

Brooke shyly smiled and nodded, "Yes, it is our first concert, so please forgive us if we are nervous."

"I'm sure you will do just fine."

The screen is lifted and the theater goes dark. One lone spotlight is quickly switched on Brooke as she sat at a grand piano on stage. Ian felt Sofie squeeze his hand as she starts to bang on the keys with determination. He catches himself holding his breath as she plays furiously. The whole theater is in awe of the talented young beauty as she played. The theater is then filled with whispers as the rest of the stage is lit with strings and horn sections playing along with her masterpiece. All of the people that were playing, had been victims of human trafficking. Whether it was physical or labor abuse, Brooke and Sofie's foundation provided shelter, food, clothes and the little things. When the symphony came to an end, a very pregnant Brooke slid from the piano stool and bowed. She then turned her tear soaked cheeks to her students and they all took a bow. The whole venue was in a standing ovation. Sofie turned to her brother as he clapped and cried at his beautiful wife and future mother of their second child.
Brooke pursed her lips to the side as she looked at her swollen belly in the mirror. She pressed her eyes closed as she heard the dark voice still trying to haunt her, "My God your fat."

Brooke pressed her eyes tighter as she told it off, "Shut up Linda!"

Her eyes eased open to find Ian's reflection standing behind her.

He eased up and circled his arms around her lower abdomen. Brooke closed her eyes as she leaned back into him, "She kicks me more when your around. I think she gets jealous when you show me affection."

She turned around and circled her arms around his neck, "Good, now you know how I feel when Chase does that to me."

They both chuckled as he lifted her and carried her to bed.

Ian snuggled up to her back and placed his hand on her stomach. He smirked as he felt his daughters foot kick against the inside of her mother.

Four years later

"Chase! Put that broom down right now! Your going to..!"

Chase blankly stared at Ian as he let go of the broom. Just as he did his oldest daughter Helen was running through just at the right moment, having the broom knock her in the head. Ian hissed through his teeth as he bounced his almost crying one year old son Aiden, "Shit..!"

Chase gasped at his uncle, "You just said..."

Ian growled, "I know what I said! Don't repeat it!"

Brooke and Sofie smiled as they entered the house. Ian was still in his white t shirt and flannel pajama pants. The house was a wreck. Helen and Chase were running around squealing and Ian was still trying to calm down a crying Aiden.

Ian sighed with relief as he spotted the two women, "Oh thank God your back."

Chase and Helen both ran to their mothers and hugged them. Brooke smiled as she walked over to her exhausted husband.

He shook his head, "What am I going to do when number three gets here?"

Brooke smiled as she patted her half term bump, "Hhhmm.. I'm not sure..?" She winked at him then walked over to the corner and pulled out her acoustic guitar. Chase and Hellen squealed as they sat on the floor in front of her as she started to strum it and sing,

"Twenty-five years and my life is still
Trying to get up that great big hill of hope
For a destination"

The whole house was quiet as the kids watched her play and sing,

"I realized quickly when I knew I should
That the world was made up of this brotherhood of man
For whatever that means
And so I cry sometimes
When I'm lying in bed just to get it all out
What's in my head
And I, I am feeling a little peculiar

Brooke and the adults chuckled as Chase a Helen screamed as they sung this part,

"And I scream from the top of my lungs
What's going on!
And I say, hey yeah yeah, hey yeah yeah
I said hey, what's going on?"

Ian smiled at his pregnant wife as she entertained the children into submission. He quietly thought to himself, "I hope I never wake up."

The end******

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