Chapter 31

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Ian held back tears as Sofie cried on the  phone, "Ian, I think that is just the sweetest thing. Of course I'll help you with it."

It had been six long hard weeks since Brooke suffered her miscarriage. Ian tried his best to make her feel at home, but something was missing. She would rarely leave the apartment, she also refused to see Sofie and Chase from guilt. Ian knew what it was but he knew he had to remind her how much music made her happy.

Brooke cut her eyes to Ian as he bit his lip while they walked into his huge office lobby. Instead of going to the elevator he lead her to the piano lobby that was almost empty. She stood and frowned at the piano. Her brow wrinkled when she noticed a nervous employee walk over and sat at the keys. He slightly banged on the keys to see if it was in tune. Brooke cut her eyes to a beaming Ian, "What is he doing?"

Ian pouted a smile and shrugged his shoulders. She turned back to the employee as he started to play and sing, "Hey Jude. Don't make it bad. You take a sad song and make it better.."

Brooke's breath shook as the employee missed a key and stopped, "He's.. "

Ian whispered in her ear, "What's wrong?"

She turned a smirk to him, "He needs help." Ian smiled as she walked over to the piano as the employee offered to her the bench with a smile. She pressed her eyes and sighed, "Remember to let her under your heart, "She gasped as the lobby started to fill in with employees singing, "Then you can began to make it better."

She smiled as tears eased from her cheeks, "
Hey Jude, don't be afraid
You were made to go out and get her, "

She did a double take as Ian's three assistants stepped forward singing the "Ahhhh" back up in perfect harmony and mouthed "wow."

"The minute you let her under your skin
Then you begin to make it better. And anytime you feel the pain, hey Jude, refrain
Don't carry the world upon your shoulders
For well you know that it's a fool who plays it cool
By making his world a little colder."
She smiled as the whole lobby sang,
"Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah."

When she glanced up from the keys she was shocked to see a beaming Sofie and  a bouncing chase. She sobbed as she eased from the piano and Sofie placed the toddler on the floor. Brooke held out her arms as the toddler clapped as he wobbled as fast as he could to her. Brooke eased her eyes closed as she scooped him up and kissed him repeatedly and pressed his surprise expression to her cheek. She then met Sofie as they walked towards each other and hugged. Chase sighed as the two women sandwiched him in their embrace.

After the party dispersed, Ian sat on the  lobby sofa with his laptop as Brooke played with ease and comfort through out the day. Ever now and then he would have to shoo away a unknown male visitor that tried to talk to her. Brooke would just smirk to him and shake her head when he would do so.

Ian smiled against Brooke's eager lips as he leaned over her while she laid on their bed, "Brooke..? Are you sure..?"

Brooke moaned into his mouth and nodded. He shifted over and hiked up her skirt as she unbuttoned his dress slacks. Brooke tilted her head back as he slid his hand up under to the back of her knee then to the back of her upper thigh.

He gasped as he spoke against her neck, "Please tell me if want to stop now, I won't be able to later."

Brooke whimpered as she bucked against him, ushering him to keep going.

He signed loudly as she pushed his pants down just enough to released him and exposed his perfect backside. Ian's breath shook as he slid into her, but stopped when she gasped from his warmth. "Did I hurt you?"

"No.. no.. Please don't stop." She leaned up and pressed her lips to his.

Ian did one slow thrust. Then another. He slightly growled, "Brooke, I'm not going to last long. I can almost cum just by looking at you."

Brooke chuckled at his words, "We have plenty of time, I won't judge your performance on time."

Ian smiled back at her and thrusted slowly and deep. Brooke's breath quivered as she felt pressure building between her legs. Ian kept his focus on her face as he grew closer and closer, "Brooke.. cum for me.."

Brooke bit her lip and raised her legs higher for him to go deeper. Ian pressed his teeth as he kept control. She was making it difficult as he felt her grasped his backside as it flexed.

Ian twitched inside her as she whimpered in his ear, "Ian.. I'm cuming.."

Ian sighed with relief as he bucked faster. He roughly grabbed her hip as as his restraint busted and spilled into her.

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