Chapter 24

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Brooke's laughing eased as she noticed Ian was smiling at her, "What?"

He smirked as he spoke, "That's the first time someone has fought for me."

Brooke blushed as she looked down, "Ian... Just because we are not lovers, doesn't mean I don't want to be your friend." Ian pressed his eyes closed, sighed and smiled. Brooke was confused, "Why are you smiling?"

He eased his eyes open and gently leaned towards her and held her hands, "Even though I'm in love with you, I will gladly accept you seeing me as a friend instead of someone that used you. I truly love you, but I will respect your boundaries."

Brooke was shocked as he leaned in and gently placed a kiss on her forehead. She was in a daze as he eased from his chair with a groan, "Ian..? Why did you put the stock in my name?"

Ian turned back slightly over his shoulder, " Because I love. I want you to be with me on your own free will. With the dividend check that's coming to you Friday, you will have financial freedom." Brooke continued to stare off  with a wrinkled brow when he spoke again, "Plus, I take care of my friends."

She held back her sobs until she heard him leave into his private bathroom. She quietly thought to herself, "Your truly a fool."

Ian sat in his study with his laptop on his lap. He was deep in thought when Brooke entered the room. His breath hitched as he noticed her wearing a black silk robe. She stopped when she noticed he was working, "I'll come back."

"No!.." Brooke turned her slightly frightened face back to his eager voice, "I meant, no.. you can stay.." Her worried look eased as she stepped closer to him.

She nibbled on her bottom lip as she took in his slouching position. He still had on his button down shirt with it slightly open at the top and dress slacks, "I..."

Ian sat his laptop down next to him, so he would seem more approachable, "Did you have a nightmare?"

Brooke continued to bite her bottom lip while she stepped towards him. His mouth went dry when she untied her robe revealing her bare chest and a string of a thong. Ian gulped loudly as she straddled his lap. His eyes eased closed as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. He hesitated his hands, but they slowly found themselves on her hips. Ian's voice heaved as she kissed his neck while unbuttoning his shirt, "Brooke.. What are you doing..?"

She moaned with her answer, "I want you Ian... Don't you want me..?"

He hissed and slightly raised his lap as her hand slid down the front of his undone dress slacks. He was shocked that he hadn't realized her doing it. "Of course I do.. but.. When was your last cycle..?"

He hissed again as she continued to slide her hand, "Last week, but Im done."

He moaned and rolled his eyes shut as she ran her hands through his thick hair, "Brooke.. I was careless before.. Oh God.."

He kissed between her breast as she heaved them in his face. She leaned her head back and moaned, "Please Ian.. I want you so bad.."

He moaned against her cleavage as he tried to think, "I.. God I want you.. But.."

She shoved away and continued to straddled him. He had a distressing look as he watched her release his throbbing member, "Brooke.., I... Oh... fuuucckk.."

She sighed deeply as she slowly slid on to him.  He couldn't think as he watched her lean back and bounce on his shaft. It was though he was hypnotized by he perfect bouncing breast. She shivered as he gently grasped one and held her hip with the other. "Brooke.. I'm not going to last long.. A week without you is torture.."

"Mmm.. Just a little longer.. I'm so close..", she spoke with her eyes closed.

Ian's breathing was frantic as she closed in around him. He nearly lost it as she whispered, "I'm cuming.."

He pressed his teeth as his breathing continued to be labored, "Brooke.. I can't stop.. I'm ... Im.., Oh shiiiittt!! I'm cuming so hard..."

Brooke cried out as they both spasmed together. They were both covered in sweat as she leaned on his slumped figure. He smiled as she whispered, "I love you."

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