Chapter 12

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Brooke sighed as she laid on Ian's bare chest, "Ian.. How old are you?"

He gave a deep chuckle as his fingers lightly brushed against her back, "I'm thirty five, why do you ask?"

Brooke stared off into a daze, "I wish I knew my age."

Ian sighed as he continued to make soft fluttering circles on her soft skin, "I will help you remember, I will not keep you from knowing who you are; no matter the outcome." Brooke smiled as she leaned up and kissed him. He smiled against her kiss, "Who knows, you could be famous and not even know it; especially how you play the piano."

Brooke's smile slowly disappeared, "I could never play again and be happy about it."

He softly stroked her face, "Why would you say that?"

She shook her head as she turned to the other side of the bed, "I don't think my talent was natural, I think it was forced upon me."

Ian turned to her and circled his arm around her waist and pulled her to him, "I would never ask you to play, especially if it brought you discomfort. I do have to say, it made the lobby extremely happy that day."

Brooke giggled as she blushed. She bit her lip as she turned to face him, "So you saw that? I thought you found me after I had stopped."

He leaned in and pressed his forehead to her, "I think it is most impressive to have the entire lobby sing Hey Jude. We usually just walk around like zombies."

She continued to smile as her fingertip outlined his face, "Can I play again sometime? I liked entertaining your employees."

Ian felt sudden jealousy, "Mmm.. I don't like men gawking at you, especially in large numbers."

Brooke's smile faded, "Ian.. They don't gawk at me.."

She was shocked as his face suddenly turned cold, "And a man didn't try to abduct you the other day in the casino?"

Brooke looked down, "I.. I said I was sorry for causing trouble."

Ian felt immediate guilt, "I know that wasn't your fault.. And he needed to be taken care of anyway before he could hurt someone else."

She snuggled into his chest and breathed in his scent, "Ian..? What if we find out who I am and you don't want me anymore?"

As he kissed her hair, "I don't think that is possible."

She squeezed him tighter as she pressed her eyes closed, "Goodnight."

Ian gave another kiss in her hair, "Goodnight."

Brooke's anxiety grew as she watched the plane land. She didn't want to come back, her nightmares were still there. Ian hugged her closer as he noticed her distress," Don't worry. I won't let anyone hurt you."

She turned to him and gave a shy smile,  "I know. I just feel as though the next corner I turn; its all going to come back to me and I will be overwhelmed with the truth."

He had sad sympathy in his eyes as his finger stroked her knuckle while he held her hand, "If you were strong enough to survive it before, you have nothing to worry about with me there to help." She blushed as he raised her hand to his lips and kissed it, "I love you." Brooke shyly tucked a strand of hair behind her ear as she looked down. Ian chuckled at her innocence, "I am glad you don't say it back, I want you to really mean it when you do."

Her eyes looked up to him, "When I do?"

"I know you will.. One day.. I'll wait."

She was lost in his handsome smile, "I think your right."

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