Chapter 6

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Ian cut his eyes to a happy Brooke as she hummed a carefree tune while they waited for his sister to answer the door.

Sofie beamed as the door opened, "Its about damn time you came to see me.."

Ian smirked as he kissed her on the cheek. Sofie turned her eyes to the young beauty and offered her a hand shake, "Brooke..? It's so nice to meet you. Please, do come in."

Brooke smiled as she studied the room, she paused as she noticed a cute toddler boy crawling towards her. She beamed at the infant and crunched down to see him, "Hi there.."

The little boy sat on his bottom and raised his hands up and down as he jabbered, "Mmmm.. hhhbaadsdddtthh.."

Brooke giggled as she sat on her side and played peak a boo.

Ian cocked an amused questionable brow as he and his sister watched, "Well I must say Ian, she is way friendlier than the others that I've met. They wouldn't dream of sitting on a floor even if it was spotless.
Let alone to play with a toddler than have an adult conversation."

Ian tilted his head as he continued to study Brooke and his nephew Chase. He thought to himself, "She is right.. Brooke is a vast improvement of company. Why have I been so blind?"

Chase crawled to Brooke as he continued to babble, she smiled as she helped him pull up on his hands and watched him wobble as he tried to stand. When he stood, Chase turned to Ian and smiled with his four white teeth and drool leaking from his mouth. Ian couldn't help but chuckle at him, "Are you flirting..?"

Chase released his hands and clapped as he wobbled. He had the look of shock as he fell on his backside.

Brooke giggled as it happened. Sofie smiled as she scooped him up, "Dinner is ready."

Brooke was surprised as Ian came over and easily pulled her from the floor, "Thanks."

Ian just smiled a seductive smile and watched as she followed Sofie to the dinner table. Before she entered, he gently pulled her back and whispered, "You have permission to eat as much as you like."

Brooke blushed as she mouthed, "Thank you."

After the delicious meal and Chase had been put to bed, the three sat around the table with a bottle of wine. Sofie curiosity was getting the best of her, "So, how did the two of you meet?"

Brooke shrugged, "He was there the day of my accident."

"Accident..?" Sofie turned her questioning to her brother, "What accident?"

Ian nervously cleared his throat, "She was hit by a car, and now suffers from temporary amnesia."

Sofie's mouth dropped, "Oh how terrible. Can you remember anything?"

Brooke wrinkled her brow as she slowly turned her wine glass, "Um.. Something's, but so far.. Nothing pleasing to talk about.."

"Like what..?"

Ian's face shot to his sister's, "Sofie.. that is enough..!"

Brooke turned a sad face to Ian as pleading for the evening to end.

Sofie felt terrible for her intrusion, "Brooke dear, I am sorry. Please forgive my intrusion, my mouth can get me in trouble sometimes."

Brooke smiled a tired smile, "Its okay, I know you didn't mean any harm. I'm just not brave enough to discuss it just yet."

Sofie nodded and smiled, she then turned to her concerned brother. There was something different about her, he never looked at his past girlfriends with such sympathetic eyes. He actually cared for her.
A buzzed Brooke giggled as Ian carried her to comfortable bed, "I really really like Chase.. We had the best conversation.."

Ian smirked at her silliness, "I'll be sure to tell him next time I see him."

"Mmmkkayy.. He's just so stinking cute.! Just like you.."

Ian blushed as he laid her down, "I'm cute..? Mr. Grumpy..?"

Brooke bit her bottom lip, "Of course, especially when you wrinkle your brow, and sometimes you pout your lip."

Ian's smile grew bigger as he watched her eyes slowly closed, "Good night sweet Brooke." He leaned down and kissed her soft cheek.

She smiled and murmured with her eyes closed, "Goodnight Mr. Grumpy.."

He longed to lean back down and kiss her on the lips but he didn't trust himself with taking it too far. He watched her sleep for a few moments before he left her room.

Ian's feet pounded against the floor as he ran to her room, he had heard a blood chilling scream in the middle of the night. He quickly opened her door to find her thrashing on the bed, "No!!! No!! Stop..! Please!! Your killing her!! Stttooppp!!"

He ran to her and scooped her the bed and restrained herself with one arm and gently patted her cheek with the other, "Brooke! Wake up Honey! Wake up!

Brooke's eyes finally flew open as she tried to catch her breath. Her eyes slowly locked onto Ian's as she sobbed, "Im so sorry for waking you.."

His chest heaved as he couldn't resist any longer. He firmly pressed his lips to hers as he squeezed her closer. Brooke cried as he continued to kiss her. He knew he crossed an ethical line, but it was too late to go back. He released her lips and pressed her to his chest, "No one is ever going to hurt you again.."

Brooke sighed deeply as she nuzzled into his embrace. When she finally fell asleep, Ian held her for the rest of the night incase the nightmares returned.

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