Chapter 15

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Authors Note: As a mother, human trafficking is one of my worst nightmare's for any child to endure. Slavery is alive and well, the saddest part is that it is right under our very noses.

Ian felt comfort as he lightly held onto Brooke's soft hand as they walked to the apartment. He looked to her and bit his lip in amusement as he looked at her shirt that had been replaced earlier.

Brooke looked back at him and smiled until something caught her eye. She froze like a deer in head lights. Ian's heart skipped as he realized her hand was shaking in his. He slowly turned to see what was the cause of her distress. There was a large delivery truck unloading long wooden crates. He turned his wrinkled brow back to her, "Brooke, what is it?"

She barely whispered, "No.."

Ian grabbed her by the shoulders, "Brooke look at me."

She couldn't turn her gaze away as she shook her head, "No!" She broke away from his grasp and ran to the men, "Let her out!"

The men stood in shock as they lowered the crate, "Ma'am..? Are you okay?"

Brooke heaved as she tried to pry open the box, "Let her out! Please! Don't let them take her!"

Ian stood as he watched as part of her past attacked her.

Brooke was now in tears as she leaned up from the box and turned to him, "Wwwaa .. Why won't you help... " As she turned back to the back of the truck, the beautiful color of her face drained as she saw crate upon crate stacked tightly one on top of the other, "Me.."

Ian ran up to her to catch her as she passed out.

Brooke was thrown back into a place she prayed that she would never see again. Her eyes flew open, her tiny  four year old voice and breath shook as she tried to realize where she was. She was in a wooden crate or coffin. The creaking would scare her each time the truck would hit a pot hole or bump. Her eyes frantically searched the small opening of a drilled hole that was in front of her right eye. She tried to remember, "How long have I been out? Where are they taking me? Why did my music teacher let them take me? Where is mama?! Mama..?!!" Brooke's breathing became more frantic as she heard other girls close by, in their own prison.


Brooke sat up in a cold sweat. Ian was laying next to her in case when she would wake, "Brooke, calm down.."

Brooke quickly jumped from the bed and ran to the window, "Where is the truck..?" Ian stood with a puzzled look. Brooke turned her angered, pain stricken face to him, "Where is the truck?!"

"Brooke.. It's gone.."

She grabbed both sides of her hair and whimpered, "No.. no .. oh please no.."

He took a step towards her, "Brooke, why did the truck upset you?"

She slowly looked up to him shocked, "That's how you take us from place to place.. Not allowed to see where you are going, just know when you get there."

Ian covered his mouth in shock.

Brooke couldn't stand to see him look at her like that, "I.. said something wrong..?"

Ian  took slow steps to her. He raised his arms slowly and wrapped them gently around her, "No, don't ever think that." She started to sob as he stroked her hair, "Tell me what you saw."

"When I was four, they took me."

He leaned down and kissed her hair, "Who did love?"

"Teacher did. She is preparing us."

Ian's eyes went dark and cold as he continued to stroke her hair, "For what dearest?"

Brooke lifted her tear soaked face to him, "The bidders."

Ian kept his cold glare locked on her heart broken face, "Bidders?"

She silently nodded.

He lovingly stroked her cheeks. She was amazed at the fact that someone that was her protector, could be so frightening, "Ian...? I...."

He leaned in and brushed his lips against hers, "They will not take you." She pressed her eyes closed as he finally placed a gentle kiss on her soft lips.

She shook as she sobbed while she kissed him back. He released their kiss and slowly rocked her back and forth as her hugged her, "Ssshhh.. no one will ever hurt you. I'll make sure of it."

Brooke's calm eyes eased open into a daze as she thought to herself, "Yes, I now know what your capable of."


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