Chapter 4

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"Ritual Abuse.."

Ian turned his cocked eyebrow to his friend Dr. Calvin Andrews, "Ritual abuse..? What does that entail?"

Dr. Andrews sighed, "Basically its thought reform used by such groups include intimidation, social isolation, religious indoctrination, threats against victims or their loved ones, torture, torture of co-captives, and brainwashing through social influence or deprivation of basic needs, such as sleep or food."

Ian felt sick to his stomach, "Food?"

Dr. Andrews pursed his lips, "Why are you asking me this?"

Ian strolled to the window as he rubbed his mouth, "The young woman that had an accident, she's has strange behavior sometimes. She cannot eat without me giving her permission. She has terrible nightmares about someone hurting her or someone else, but the most amazing thing.." Dr Andrews waited for him to continue. "She can play classic piano like no one I've ever seen."

Ian turned back to his shocked friend, "I want to meet this young woman."

Ian shrugged his shoulders as he strolled back to him, "Sure, come by tonight for dinner."

Dr. Andrews face color drained, "Ian, who's care did you leave her in while your gone?"

Ian shrugged again, "No one.. Why..?"

"When did she last eat?"

Ian also lost the color in his face as he bolted to the doorway, Dr. Andrews followed."

"Brooke!" Ian busted into the massive apartment. Dr. Andrews was right behind him, "You check upstairs, I'll look down here."

Ian quickly made his way around the down stairs. He had a sigh of relief when he spotted her on the outside balcony, "Brooke.. What are you doing out here?"

She pressed her eyes closed as he approached, "I.. I couldn't help it.."

His handsome face turned to concern, "Couldn't help what..?"

She turned her sad face to his as she tightened her grip on the railing, "I.. I only had a little.. I haven't eaten since.."

Ian's mouth dry, " Since the night I brought you here..." He gently held out his hand as he spoke, "Brooke, your not in trouble.. Just come inside and we will talk.."

Dr. Andrews watched from inside the living room. He was concerned if he entered the situation and frighten the poor girl.

Ian continued to hold out his hand and beckoned her to him, "Come on .. Im not angry.."

Brooke slowly let go of her grip and started towards him. He gently tucked her under his arm and lead her in. She froze when she noticed the unknown guest, "Hello..?"

Dr. Andrews smiled as he offered his hand, "Hello Brooke, I'm doctor Andrews; I'm a friend of Ian's."

Brooke forced a questionable smile. Ian lead her to the couch, "Set here and I'll get you something to eat."

Brooke's big doe eyes shot up to his, "What?! I.."

Ian held his hand up, "Your going to eat.."

She frowned as she watched him head to the kitchen.

Dr. Andrews studied her actions, "Ian told me you were in an accident; can you tell me what happened?"

Brooke kept her daze straight, "I was running, but when I reached the doorway of this building, something shoved me, I lost my balance and feel onto an oncoming car."

"Do you remember why you were running?"

She kept her focus turned away as she whispered, "No.."

"Do you remember who shoved you?"

She shook as as she whispered again, "No.."

"Why can you not eat without permission..?"

Brooke pressed her eyes closed, "All good girls wait.."

Dr. Andrews sat up straight from the surprise of her answer. He turned to an ease dropping Ian, "Ian.. She needs help.."

Brooke eased open her eyes and covered her mouth as she sobbed, "What's wrong with me?"

Ian clenched his jaw as his sympathy and anger eased in, "Here Brooke, you need to eat, and you will eat."

Brooke took the sandwich from him and looked down, "Thank you."

Ian nodded to Dr. Andrews to follow him into the next room, "How bad is she?"

Dr. Andrews had the look of loss, "Ian, she said all good girls.. This has been going on since her childhood. If she is in her early twenties like I've guessed, she needs intense therapy, I just hope she can be helped."

Ian was shocked as his mouth went dry, "Why would someone do this to her?"

Dr. Andrews shook his head, "There are so many evil people in the world, but since food was taken away as punishment, I would say she was being taught severe discipline or conditioning."

"Ian showed his angry brow, "For what?"

Dr. Andrews turned back to the young beauty, "Who knows what they wanted from her.."

Ian felt a new type of anger, she was helpless, reserved, talented, beautiful and selfless. She never asked for anything or showed entitlement. He was going to help her, no matter how long it took.

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