Chapter 27

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Brooke and Sofie smiled as Ian escorted them to the car after the fundraiser. As they joked with one another, they failed to hear footsteps coming up from behind.

They all three turned as the heard a voice, "Hello Brooke."

Brooke's lip quivered as she turned to meet Teachers and Alfie's (Short for Alfa) gaze. Ian tried to stand in front of both women as Alfie pointed a pistol at them.

Brooke slowly shook her head, "Please.. Don't hurt them.."

Teacher stepped forward with a smirk, "Play time is over Brooke. Time to come home."

Ian stepped forward but stopped when Alfie pointed the pistol at Brooke.

Teacher smirked at his fear, "No Alfie, shoot the other one."

Ian's eyes widened as Alfie aimed and shot Sofie in the abdomen, "Noooo!"

Brooke panted as she tried to reach her, but Alfie grabbed a handful of her hair and pressed the gun to her temple. Ian had tears in his eyes as he held an unconscious Sofie. He snapped his angered tear soaked face to the attackers.

Teacher stepped forward, "Dear oh dear Mr. Crawford, who do you try to save? Sweet single mother sister, or your fuck toy?"

Ian's eyes eased with worry as he looked back to his sister. Brooke gasped from Alfie pulling her hair, as she spoke, "Ill go! Just leave them alone. They are innocent."

Ian shook his sad brow to her, "No.."

Alfie pulled on Brooke's hair again. She pressed her eyes closed so she couldn't see Ian when she said the words, "I'll go! I'll be good. I'll.. be.. a.. good girl.."

Teacher stood in front of her as she cried, "Very good. Come Alfie! Mr. Crawford, it's been a pleasure."

Ian's chest heaved as he watched as they stole the love of his life before his very eyes. He had never felt so small and weak.

Ian was pacing in Sofie's hospital room as he waited to hear back from his hired investigator team. Sofie was stable after her surgery. She had yet to awaken from the trauma to her body. Ian's mind was going mad, "What have they done to you? Where are you? Why didn't I do something..?"

Brooke screamed while Teacher chuckle as she hosed her down with a pressure washer hose. The freezing water beat against her tender skin and her designer dress, "That's it Brooke, gotta get all that nasty filth off of you.." Brooke heaved as she paused for a moment, "Did I get all of it? Mmm.. No.. found a spot.." Brooke lost her breath as Teacher aimed the painful water right to her face. She couldn't breath or scream. She almost black out. When teacher saw that she was at her limit she finally turned off of the water. Brooke shivered as she eased down in front of her, "You are nothing. You will never be anything. No one is looking for you, because no one wants you."

Brooke pressed her eyes closed as she tried to keep her mind in control. Her ears were still ringing from the water that had made its way in during the torture. Teacher sat there for a moment and studied her, "Hmm.. still think that there is hope?"

Brooke's lip quivered and continued to press her eyes closed. She sighed with relief as she finally heard the evil woman leave. She was suddenly left in the dark as the lights were shut off.


Ian could here his own breath as he made his way down the long dark corridor. He stood before a morgue table, as the sheet was pulled away he screamed as he saw Brooke's opened lifeless eyes. He jolted up in bed in a cold sweat as he tried to catch his breath. He laid back flat on his back, pressed his eyes closed and sobbed.

Three weeks later******

Still dressed in her evening gown, Brooke sat silently and shivered in front of her plate of food. She could hear Teacher and Alfie chewing between their conversations. Her eyes slowly blinked from exhaustion. Teacher glanced over to her as she rang a bell. Brooke's eyes widened as she picked up her fork and tried to eat as much as she could. Ten seconds later, Teacher rang the bell again. Brooke stopped but didn't place the fork down.

Teacher sighed, "Now.. Brooke.. you really should watch how much you eat. Ian sure did fatten you up when he had you."

Brooke stared to cry, "Why are you doing this?"

Teacher glared at her, "Because my dear.. I can..And why are you shivering? It's annoying."

"I'm... I'm running a fever. I think I have an ear infection." Teacher just glared at her as she chewed, "I'll give you anything, just please let me go.."

Teacher reared her head back and cackled, "You have nothing to give.."

"I have stock dividend money."

Teacher stopped laughing, "How much..?"

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