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I was still trapped in this room as if it's not making me crazier than I already am. Being in here is like suffocating all day, everyday. Like somebody is shoving my face into a pillow or hands wrapped around my neck. I'm internally screaming and nobody hears it. They just think I'm this emotionless monster, but I could bet a million dollars I'm the one with the most emotional feelings in this terrifying building.

It feels the same everyday. Empty, lonely, enclosed. Those three things everyday. It's tiring and I'm close to just grabbing the whole bottle out of my nurse's hands and taking every bit of the drug. Just because I have this other side of me, this dangerous personality doesn't mean I should be locked up in this dreadful place to "heal people" as if; people come here to drive themselves crazy to their death. I seem to be getting closer everyday, I feel it.

I take these humongous pills everyday to control it and every nurse that takes turns on me looks at me frightened, petrified even, like I'm not human too. I might not show it, but it really hurts to be treated like a savage animal on the loose every single day.

I opened my eyes to this same ol' gray, depressing room that's shaped into a perfect square. Yes, I have a square to live in. I listened to my music, the clock ticking and it was just about time the scared nurse would enter to tell me about my daily dose. But it didn't happen as usual. I stared at the door longer, nothing happening not even those echoed footsteps that approach occasionally. I'm so used to this same routine that it feels as if I've died and that everything is going wrong or that I froze in time. But that's just me being dramatic.

I waited a bit longer. I can't seem to remember the last time I've actually stepped onto the cemented floor. Only times it would be when I'm drugged and forced into the shower to be bathed by someone else. I maintained my composure, awaiting for the door to open after raising my head back up away from the floor to even strive to get up.

I gasped a little inside when I heard indistinct giggles and bare feet smack against the solid cement. My door unlatched and a head emerge inside. I could only see his or her hair extend in here, slanting downward because of gravity. Then eyes, nose, lips, then the whole body. I didn't move an inch even though I was way over curious to why this mysterious boy I don't know is in my room instead of my nurse. I kept my hands wrapped around my knees that were kept close to my chest as the boy kept that smile on his face and sat on my bed next to me.

I retained the same expression, at least the last time I've actually seen my face. This boy next to me still smiling while moving closer inch by centimeter until his hand was placed on my foot gently and his face was way too close to mine. I haven't had this much contact with another human, has it been years?

"Guess what?" he whispered. Then giggling when he saw my quick reaction to jump backwards. "I'm hiding." He placed his index against his lips as for me to keep quiet. I was never talking in the first place.

I never ended my silence as the boy stared into my eyes. Since he was examining me, I did the same. He was quite the same size as me and looked my age. Pretty handsome. But I have one question; why is he acting so childish? It's not like I'll ask him though.

"Do you wanna know why?" his whispers lingered. "My nurse accidentally let me out of the room and I ran away." he smiled, close to bursting into another fit of laughter. "Right now, she's looking for me and I decided to come to the quietest place in this building."

I'm still listening to this kid speak. This is the longest conversation I've had in centuries and I should take advantage of it. But I looked at the clock and it's been a couple minutes past my daily pills I have to take on time. I guess a couple minutes shouldn't hurt, but this felt wrong and I felt weird inside. It's been awhile since I've changed personalities, so I forgot what it feels like to change so suddenly. They've been keeping updated on my natural reaction to different types of drugs and this one has been the first one to keep me sane the longest or actually work.

"I only ran away because they've been experimenting on me. They said 'it's that time of the year' and I hate this time of the year because it means it's constant check ups and painful experiences. I just want it all to stop."

I got out of my thoughts and noticed that this boy just made a conversation with himself. It's a bit rude to not speak back to his kindness, but I don't want to end up doing anything wrong and they extend my days here. I'm so close to leaving.

A flash, like a fast car passing by in a split second, or a camera flash lit up in my eyes. I went blind for a second. When I could see again, a throbbing pain ended up hitting my skull at its own pace. I held my hand on the throbs against my head and groaned out in pain. All I could hear was this high pitched tone ringing in my ears. I could feel myself changing.

I almost forgot that I actually had a person in the room, when I looked he was scared and against the wall to get as far away from me as possible. The real me wanted to say 'it's okay, I won't hurt you' but that would be a huge lie and the other personality took over, the always angry one and aggressive to anybody. He gets mad at almost everything. There's no doubt he'll do something to the boy.


Finally, that Yoongi stopped being the one in the spotlight. It's been so long since I've stretched my limbs because of those dumbass pills.

I got up and chains were attached to one foot. It's always something holding me back. The pills, these chains, matter of fact this whole building and their security system holds me back.

My anger built up pretty quickly and I tugged my foot making the wall the chain was attached to crack. The cracking sound came with a gasp and I looked where it came from. Another man was in here. What for?

I took one step closer to the one planted against the wall and wrapped one hand around his small neck. "Who are you?" I clutched tighter and he began gasping for air.

It's been so long since I've had this much fun, I couldn't hold my dry chuckle in.

"Answer me."

He began tapping on my hands as if I'll let go. No, murder for the first time in forever will feel really good. "M-mister, you're— hur-ting me.."

I liked the struggle in his voice, but it wasn't enough joy to cover the answer that made me furious. His face started turning red and his eyes glistened as he choked.

"Sorry, that wasn't a good answer." I added my other hand and used all force on him, leading him to his death.

But my goal was interrupted when the door shot open followed by security guards herding in here and someone shot me with a dart gun. My nerves weakened and my hands slowly removed from his neck. Then my eyes rolled to the back of my head and a thud was all I heard.


You see, I'm not an evil person so I'm sry if my evil writing is bad.

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