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School ;–;


I couldn't stop biting on my nails since Jimin is still not here. I sent that note like four days ago, he should've got it and my nurse said she gave it to him. I'm just confused and anticipating so hard on him coming soon.

"Good news, Yoongi."

"What is it?"

"The pills do work so that means you're not extended."

None of it interested me. That wasn't the good news I wanted to hear. "Yeah, yeah, whatever– where's Jimin?"

She sighed as her other hand slipped off the clipboard she held. "I don't know, but I'm not lying, I gave that to his nurse and she said she'll give it to him." after she spoke she hummed while looking everywhere around the room except my location until she said, "Maybe he just hates you." which made me think some more.

"No way." I refused even though I somewhat feel that's true. "Can't you like... go to his room and tell him about me?"

"No, sorry."

I sighed. It's all my fault. I shouldn't have told him to never show his face here again. All of me knows too well that Jimin is all I have here. Just why the hell did I push him away in the first place?


"I have to get going now."

"Okay, whatever."


I cried and cried and cried.

The worst always happens to me and now I'm really alone. I cry more when I think about what happened earlier today. My nurse betrayed me twice today and I can't help but hate and miss her at the same time. This new nurse doesn't let me do as much as I could with my old one. He's more strict on me that I cried so much today and got a horrible headache. It hurts and won't go away.

I know I shouldn't have tantrums because that leads to either punishments or drugs, but he's a bigger meany head. Tantrums are bad and that habit I had when I was spoiled rotten was the worst year of my life.

I cried harder. I couldn't stop myself from thinking about the four people who abandoned me. I'm just hateable I guess and people don't want to be around me so much that they push me away or avoid me.

~earlier today~

I had just woken up a moment ago and my nurse came in with a smile on her face and hands behind her back as she walked over to my side. I smiled back because I should smile back to people who smiles to me. She let me stretch and fixed my messy hair down after.

"Hey," she said.


"Good Morning."

"Good morning to you too."

Then she sighed which downed my face. Usually when she sighs she's feeling bad or going to give me sad news.

"What's wrong?" I asked, wanting to make her feel better as soon as possible.

"Nothing." usually that's a lie. A lie that we both tell sometimes. "I just want to give you something."

"Is it a present?"

"You can call it that I guess."

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