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I woke up thinking about Jimin. Even while I was drugged to get a shower, I was thinking about him. Usually my mind would be blank or I would have conversations with my other personality. He would yell at me to stop taking the pills, but I ignore him.

Okay, back to Jimin. I can't get the steps how his smile forms out of my head. I replay it in slow motion and watch his smile form first, then his cheeks crinkle and lastly, his eyes turn into crescents. The whole process is just beautiful. His laugh is precious. I hate when he enters my room with sadness painted on his face.

He's been visiting so much now that I smell his shampoo all over my sheets. And ever since I motivated him, he's been upgrading to different lessons in the past month. I'm proud of him.

Matter of fact, here he comes. I hear his footsteps come closer and he still peaks in first before actually entering. It's cute.

"Yoongi!" he ran in here really excited.

"What?" I was already smiling like an idiot. My whole face brightens up to his every arrival.

"I just upgraded to a new level and I'm learning a new lesson, it's pretty interesting."

"What grade are you in now?"

He had already started laughing to himself. Probably as proud as I will be. "Tenth." He smiled cheekily and I praised him as soon as I heard the number.

"So what's the lesson smarty pants?"

"I'll show you what I learned today instead." I nodded, agreeing with him.

I waited for him to present me a paper or something, but he just sat there with that stupid smirk I love too much.

"Alright," I got impatient. "what is it?"

"You have to come closer."

I didn't ask why and leaned closer to him. We got so close, but I didn't mind.

One second later and his lips are on mine and his closed eyes placed in front of my opened ones. I almost pulled him in closer when I felt his tongue brush past my bottom lip, but controlled myself beforehand and gently shoved him back.



He acted normal as if nothing happened. "What are you doing? Why are you learning this?"

"It's called French kissing... I think. In the health lesson they taught me about our bodies and one of them was about kissing, so I wanted to try it with you. And I also have another class called Sex Education. There I learned that people can make other people have an... orgasm? Then, something about diseases."

I remember health and Sex Ed. in my high school days and usually it would be about the safety for us. I'm guessing he just payed attention to the contacting parts.

"You know that I'm a boy and not a girl, right?"

"Yes. What's the difference? Boys have lips too. See!" he pointed at the lips I just kissed. "I have lips."

I huffed out a faint chuckle. "I know that, but are you actually okay with this?"

"Yes and I wanna try it again, the right way."

I didn't stop him when his hand guided my face closer to his. We connected our slow kiss into movement and I didn't hold back. I can't lie, I might've sometimes caught myself staring at him and his pink lips at some point. They're stunning and to be finally be able to kiss them feels more calming and gentle than I thought.

I finally brought myself to touch him and pull in closer. The way his soft lips moved rhythmically with mine felt soothing. We could've went on with this, but there needs to be a stopping point, so I pulled back. Our lips detaching slowly sounded through the room easily.

I watched Jimin's eyes flutter open and he began grinning like crazy. It's like his smiles are contagious and I couldn't keep my smile hidden anymore. I liked how swollen his pink lips were already. It suited him really well.

"I really like you, Yoongi." after confessing, he scurried out the room with nothing else left to say to me.

I was still the one smiling like an idiot.

Crazies In Love »YoonMin«Where stories live. Discover now