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The same thing for everyone, I woke up. Except when I wake up, I wait for my daily scenarios to happen and I stay in this room to bore. Then I sleep for a long period of time.

It was time for my pill. Of course I knew, I've been going through this for years and can tell without looking at time when my door will open. What surprised me was that Jimin came in with the tray. There was no food, just pills and water.

"Oh, hey Jimin?"

"Good morning." his smile was so bright.

"I thought you weren't able to see me anymore."

I took my pills and he put the tray on the floor. Getting on the bed afterwards. Shifting around for a comfortable spot.

"I begged to come here. It was a new nurse and she told me to just give you your pills too since you're so nice to me."

I wonder why anyone would beg to see me. First of all, I'm probably a wreck and I'm gloomy almost always. To me I don't seem so enjoyable like Jimin sees me. I also wonder what does he see in me.

"I'm nice?"

"Yes. You're the only one here who listens. Others wouldn't care about my feelings or just talk over me."

"Why are you here anyway?" it's pretty obvious why I'm here, but this boy seems fine every time he steps into my room. He doesn't seem off, just that he doesn't act his age. Nobody should be in an asylum because they have mental disorders, but whoever puts you in here is really a sucky person. Aka my mom.

"Oh, I have a lot of things wrong with me. My brain buffers a lot and people think I'm childish, but it's not my fault. I can't control that my brain stayed in kindergarten."

"That's all? You should be in some type of class instead of being in here."

"No, that's not it. It's hard to explain, but it's like I have different personalities, but I don't. I'm not always stupid, I sometimes change into my normal self, but when I do I get voices in my head. My family saw it as a problem and wanted me to get fixed quickly... s-so they brought m-me here." his eyes got all watery and I wanted to do something to cheer him up, but how? "B-but it's been years and I think th-they forgot about me."

One tear fell and I was quick to catch it and wiping it off his face, but leaving my hands there to cup his face. "How many?"

"I've been here since I was eight and I'm twenty-two."

My instincts told me to hug him and I felt I did wrong because he broke down and cried into my shoulder. But it felt right when he hugged me back. He clenched onto my shirt the harder he sobbed. I don't even mind all of the skin ship we're sharing.

"I'm so st-stupid and-and I'll never learn."

"Hey, hey," I started to stroke his hair as he calmed himself down. "you're not stupid."

"Yes I am. Don't lie."

"I'm not lying."

Now I was patting or rubbing his back and his face still fit in the crook of my neck. A couple sniffles and hiccups here and there, but what's good is that he calmed down. For some reason I don't like the sight of him being sad.

His head raised and his face was all red with puffiness already suffocating his eyes and cheeks. I wiped the rest of the tears away and exhaled.

"You're not stupid Jimin. You're just telling yourself that and blinding the truth."

"But my teacher had to reteach me some things and I know I frustrate him a lot and I really, really try my best everyday, but I fail."

"You can't be trying really, really hard when you still have 'I'm stupid' in the back of your head."

"So..." a bubble of air filled up his right cheek and I popped it.

"So let that go and start saying 'I'm smart' or 'I can do it', okay?"


Awkward silence polluted the room for a couple seconds then the sheets ruffled and Jimin was standing on his two feet again. He let out a long, exaggerated sigh as he straightened out his clothes. After done he opened his arms.

"I guess I have to go now."

I looked at him, pretty confused to why his arms were open and stayed in mid-air. Then he pouted and cocked his head to the left.

"I can't have a hug?"

"Oh! A hug."

"Yes. I can't have one?"

"Of-of course." his smile reappeared when I opened my arms to. He fit right in my arms like the last puzzle piece and this felt right.

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