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I want to change the description to something else that has more detail, but I don't know what


I was kicked out of Yoongi's room as they started picking up his unconscious body. I hate my nurse so much. She's always starting something and ruining our moment. I wish she would just let me be. Matter of fact I wished everyone would let me be. I'm tired of being held back not being able to be in control of my own life.

I didn't get a question if I wanted to be sent here. No, they just said we were going for ice cream and once I found out the truth they said this will be for the best. This is way far from the best. They tricked me and I'm tired of being used and tricked because I'm so slow. I want to be smart, is that too much to ask?

Why did I get stuck with this brain? Everything wrecks my nerves because I don't understand anything and because I have voices in my head that trick me into believing lies. It makes me seem crazy and everyone hates me and shuns me. I see things that aren't really there and I don't want to be here.

My whole life is filled with hurt and shame. I got picked on after I was diagnosed with Little Prince Syndrome. Everyone called me stupid, but it wasn't my fault. None of this is my fault, yet I still get shamed on for being the way I didn't ask to be.

Right now my mean nurse is yelling at me for sneaking out so much. How dangerous it is to be with Yoongi. Well for her he's a 'killer' or 'monster'. Just like me, he didn't ask to be that way and they need to see his other side. I only saw his dangerous side once and after that he's been the sweetest person I've ever met.

"I don't care." I blurted.

I finally lifted my head after ignoring her false words about my only friend.

"What'd you say?"

"Min Yoongi is not what you think and he wasn't hurting me. You guys tased him for no reason."

"We know what we saw."

"Obviously not. Me and him were just waking up after he calmed me from a panic attack. No one here has done that before even though you guys are a 'Mental Hospital'." I quoted with my fingers. "All you guys do is drug me with something if I can't control myself."

She crossed her arms over her chest and gave me that look I get way too often. I already know her stance when she's about give me some 'knowledge' and a long speech.


"No." I said, getting out of my seat to my bed. "Let's just get this over with." I pulled up my sleeve with ease and took the pills I take on a regular basis.

She sighed and gave up the speech she was ready to tell and walked over with a syringe in hand. I hissed as it broke into my skin and the chemicals spread through my veins. I exhaled after she was done.

"Still hurts." I reminded her.

"I know." the band-aid wrapper sounded through my spacious room and was placed on the hole in my arm with a ball of cotton. After that it was lunch time.


All throughout lunch I kept wondering how Yoongi was holding up. The way his body got zapped and he wiggled around with the electricity in him looked like it hurt. I still can't believe how cruel they are to him. He's a nice person and no one will believe me.

I snuck out again like my nurse told me not to. Which it's really easy to leave my room just not out the asylum entrance.

I opened his door and he was there. At least it looked like it. A lump was made under the covers, but no movement. "Min Yoongi?" I questioned and didn't get an answer. "Yoongi, is that you?" I asked again, but this time I got an attitude retort back.

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