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I was awaken by Jimin's new nurse. She seemed distressed and worried as she shook me awake with other people standing behind her. I wasn't sleeping so well anyway, but having a couple hours of shuteye makes it worse.

I groaned before turning her way. "What is it?"

"Do you know where Jimin is?"

That woke me up instantly as I ascended to a sitting positions. My eyes still not used to the brightness shining from outside the wide opened door that it hurt and it was a strain to keep them open. The top of my head produced a minor headache from getting up too quick and I already felt my anxiety rising from just hearing 'where' and 'Jimin' in the same sentence. This is too much at the moment.

"What do you mean?"

"He asked to come here and I allowed him to. Where is he?"

"He left last night. Why?"

"We can't find him."

The reflexes in my knees made me stand up like my heart told them to. Right after, the other people sat me back down and I looked a them, trying not to fight back and keep calm due to the alarming situation. I raised my hands halfway up to show them I would sit on my own and they let me go. I faced his new nurse again.

"Please find him." I appealed calmly, opposite of what's going on inside.

She nodded. I could see how she felt too. She actually cares for Jimin. Her hands were shaking so much that she had to palm them together. That didn't even help stop it.

They closed my door and probably continued on their search for Jimin. I exhaled and thought about last night. Whatever he thinks, which is me not loving him back, probably triggered something in him and it's all my fault for not responding. I should've because I do feel the same way. 


I was laying down when my nurse appeared. I had already took my pills and was ready to drift into sleep. I looked at her drowsily, feeling tipsy. Only seeing half of her body because the cover I'm rolled up in kept my eyes down hidden. She was a bit blurry too.

"I'm sorry for bothering you," she said as she took steps closer and bent down to my bed level. I didn't have to look up any more. "but I just got the news and I feel like you would wanna know immediately. Plus, I didn't want to keep it from you until morning. I was so eager to see your reaction."

"Mhm.." I mumbled with a nod for her to tell me now. My eyelids were feeling like boulders. 

"You've been discharged."

I gasped inside, too weak to do it myself. "Weally?"

She laughed at my mispronounced word. "Really. We'll discuss this tomorrow?"

I nodded.


Time for time skips, pov switches, and all that confusing stuff.

Crazies In Love »YoonMin«Where stories live. Discover now