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I woke up again. When did I go to sleep?

Shit, did I change?

I wonder what happened to the boy. If he's okay. He was really nice and didn't deserve whatever I did to him. If I did something to him. I want to apologize.

As always there's no windows, there were never windows, but I always seem to catch myself looking for sunlight. My sunlight is that light bulb hanging from the ceiling. It's pretty boring and pointless. It sometimes flickers. These people really don't care about me.

This time a nurse came through the door with the tray that I'm used to. Some disgusting food, pills, and water.

"What happened to that boy?"

"We shouldn't speak of him around you." she handed me the tray of food, but I gave it back with a shake of my head and she gave me the water and pills instead. I took it, gulping the water down and handing the glass back.

"Why not?"

"You harmed him severely and gave him bruises, so we don't want you to know about him anymore. We don't even know how he wandered back here."

This is my favorite nurse. The other ones would ignore my questions and treat me like trash. I would refuse to eat the slop they give, but they would make me eat it. She, the one here now is the most lenient and actually works here to take care of me.

"Okay." I expected her to leave because that was my usual everyday. Food, pill, water. But then a long object with a sharp end ended up in her hands. She lifted her eyebrows and sighed.

"I'm not taking that shot." I refused.

"This one, you have no choice."

"Why?" I began to get angry. I've always hated the shots since my beginning days here. They peeled into my skin back to back, everyday. I've behaved enough for them not to become a daily process, but what happened? What did I do?

"You went off yesterday."

"That was one time! And it wasn't even my fault. That stupid new nurse forgot and was late!"

"I know, I know, Yoongi. But other than me people are scared of your... other side. Not to be rude, but you're kind of scaring me too. Could you not make a fuss and just take it?"

"Drug me first."

"But you just woke up from another drug. That wouldn't be healthy."

"As if I'm already healthy." I scoffed. "It's my body anyway, just do it."


I woke up with a headache this time. I wasn't in the mood for anything and just wanted to rot in bed like I always do, but worse. Am I sick? I feel hot, but cold. Is this the side effect of the pill and the shot or was that really unhealthy to order a drug?

A creak came from my door and that same silver hair popped in then the slender body. It was that boy. How did he get in here again? Shouldn't he be scared of me now?

He didn't move from his spot and didn't make contact with me, just staring at his feet as if it was an interesting TV show. I was still cold, bundled in the thin sheets they provide. I didn't say anything like his last visit and waited for him to start, though I wanted to apologize.

"H-hello." he waved and I gave a subtle nod, trying not to be so rude this time.

"H-how come..." his feet shuffled and he backed into the wall. "you never speak?"

Ignoring the cold shivers on my body, I removed the covers and sat upright on my bed. I gestured him to come sit and he did. He's being very unafraid to somebody who strangled him only a couple days ago. I felt bad every time I saw my hand prints on his neck left red.

"What's your name?" he asked.

"Min Yoongi." I answered with no problem and he looked surprised, kind of happy.

"I'm Jimin! I hope we can get along well."

Jimin definitely has more spirit than me. I'm always clumpy with sad thoughts roaming my mind twenty-four seven. This guy just technically asked to be friends with me, the one whose guilty of the marks on his neck. I can't believe him.

I nodded to his response. "Jimin," his head cocked up and gave me full attention. "it wasn't really me who strangled you."

"But I saw you. You're eyes changed and you got angry at me. Please don't get mad at me today." the bottom of his two lips popped out and it's quite cute.

I smiled. "I know you saw me, but I have a personality disorder. I have multiple personalities inside me, but for now it's just one and he's very, very dangerous." his head rocked back and fourth. I took that he understood now. "I'm very sorry that he hurt you and he won't do it again, okay?"

"I forgive you. People make mistakes sometimes... like me." the end of his sentence was soft and quiet, but in this empty room I heard it enough.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Oh, nothing." he huffed out a sigh.

Jimin jumped in his seat when the door busted open. I'm guessing it's his nurse, I've never seen her before. But I already hate her. I saw the gun before she even came in and she gave me quick glances, checking on me time to time as she walked to Jimin.

"Jimin!" she snapped her fingers and he rushed to her.

"Sorry, sorry."

"How many times do we have to tell you this man is awful  and disgusting and that you should never come back here?"

She technically dragged him out of here and closed the door, locking it. I don't see what's the point, I'm already chained up.

My ears caught the voice of Jimin's and his last words were words that I have never heard before in my life. It kind of brightened something in me.

"No he's not. Min Yoongi is nice."

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