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Weeks have passed with only experiments, check ups, and more experiments. I just want to cry and vent to Yoongi, but I'm being held back in this creepy, scary room. More doctors coming over to look at us like we're a museum exhibit except they're able to touch us any type of way. I really hate that and it's really uncomfortable. Sometimes they have painful processes that makes me scream.

I just want to see Yoongi. I miss him.


It was really dark out when I woke up from the sleeping drug they gave me. I looked at the time and it read,


I wasn't in my childish act right now, but myself. I didn't rub my eyes like babies do when they wake up and just sat up in my bed with a heavy sigh. I felt like complete crap.

Usually after crazy experiments like the one I had earlier today makes my schizophrenia get worse. They make it feel like everything is wrong and like I'm doing everything wrong. I can't trust anybody when they start talking and the hallucinations are trippy and really frightening.


With it being way too early in the morning, Yoongi was fast asleep. Unlike Jimin who was going on a roller-coaster, walking down the halls weeping and repeatedly asking for the voices to just shut up.

He could barely see the walls as he tried to find Yoongi's door. His shoulders were repeatedly ramming into the wall or his knees would scrape against the tile floor.

"Stop..." he cried. "Just leave me alone please."

He asked nicely, but nice got him nowhere. It continued on as they shamed him over and over again. Telling him he's fat, ugly, worthless, an idiot, should kill himself, but he stayed strong and tried hard to ignore it and kept walking until he ran into that familiar door.

He opened it up to a sleeping Yoongi. Disappointing him a little. He walked over and tried shaking him awake, calling his name plenty of times, but none of the above worked. With the drug dissolved in his system he couldn't feel or hear a thing.

Jimin just decided on waiting things out here. He got comfortable in his usual seat at the end of the bed where Yoongi's feet don't reach. But even still the voices never stopped. Now they were going on about how stupid he is for being in here with the man slaughter.

Jimin banged his head against the wall as if that would knock them away, but it didn't. They kept talking all at once blowing his insecurities, anxiety, and depression up. All he ask is for all of it to stop.

-you're stupid
-he's going to kill you in your sleep
-so ugly
-useless, worthless, piece of shit
-nobody wants you
-nobody loves you

All of it going at once in his head.

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