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I woke up and all I heard were faint sobs coming from the corner of my bed. Right when I saw Jimin I panicked and threw the tiredness off me to calm Jimin down who was crying and repeating,

"Stupid, worthless, ugly..."

His body slightly rocked back and forth as I approached him. All I did was touch his arm and he started screaming.

"Don't come closer!" his breath was uneven and heavy, sounding throughout this small room. "Get away from me!"

He was in as deep as the corner goes with scared eyes looking at me. I wondered what's wrong with him and why was he acting like this. This wasn't the Jimin I was talking to freely just weeks ago.

After I backed away a couple inches he held his knees up to his chest, increasing the speed of his rocks and repeated words of self-shame.

I couldn't stand this anymore and had to do something about it. I ignored his backfires and held onto his wrist tightly. He struggled to get away from me like he tried. "Don't touch me! Let go!" more tears strolled down his face and more and more and more came along.

"Jimin... calm down." I tried. Wiping his tears until his face was only damp. The redness left over on his puffy face.

He shook his head rapidly. "You're- you're gonna kill me."

It broke a piece of my heart to see him going through this. His words also made me think of my expectations. Everyone thinks I'm going to kill them.

I ignored my feelings for awhile and cared about Jimin's. I quickly dipped my head down to his level and softly kissed his lips. The shake on his body softened, his breathing was heavy although it was coming back on track, and the stream of tears slowed. I felt the tensed up muscles release the tight grip and Jimin was back to normal.

I separated our lips and watched carefully at Jimin's actions. His eyes started to flutter and some droplets of tears were still hanging at the tip of his eyelashes, glowing from the only source of light here. I could see his eyes once again, widened and looking into mine.

"Yoongi-" he cut himself off as he rushed to hug me tight, latching onto the back of my shirt and sniffles muffled against the cloth.

"They stopped." he sighed in relief, still hugging me tight as ever. I loved the feeling.

His arms let go of me and dragged across my shoulders to Jimin's movement. My cheek was pressed against his.

"I was scared." he confessed.

"It's alright," I pulled his face in front of mine "I'm here now." and wiped the rest of the tears that lingered.

I caught his glistening eyes gazing at me with adoration and I stopped to do the same. Nothing awkward, just us staring into one another's eyes with no words. I saw his eyes shift down and back up then he began leaning forward with a pink flush gently printed on his cheeks.

Our lips touched, but we hesitated, lips backed centimeters away. I heard him take a sharp breath in as his lips parted and waited for me to do the obvious.

I cut the bullshit and held onto his neck dearly, pulling him in like I wanted to for weeks. Brushing my lips against his own so passionately slow. Missing the taste and feel of his soft, plump lips. Words can not tell how much I've missed him with only two to three weeks passing. I've never missed someone that much in my life. And waking up to him this devastated quickened my heart thousands of beats ahead.

Mindlessly, I slipped my tongue in, getting way too smothered in the moment and him allowing me to do so. His grip around my shoulders tensed as a quiet moan slipped out and he pulled away quickly with a sharp gasp.

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