On Loan

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Another day, another meeting. Hel was in full performance, making sure to piss off as many people as possible in one room. She did it on purpose. She was testing their character. If they were offended and said nothing in return she considered them weak and easily undermined.

It set my teeth on edge. Especially when she tested Xiphrus, the destroyer.

I was in a room of powerful people, standing next to the one person that was doing everything possible to start a fight. I felt the beast inside me gnawing at my will, making me shiver and twitch with discomfort. Worse yet, there was another beast in the room, this one more powerful than my own. I glanced up and saw Xiphrus watching me with clear blue eyes. I started to shake harder, staring down at the floor as I fought the urge to howl with discomfort. I had to clamp my teeth so tightly together all I could hear now was the squeaking sound of them grinding.

Why the fuck is he watching me?

When the meeting finally ended and Hel motioned for me to follow her into the hall I sighed in relief. As soon as we were in the hall she wrapped us in a sheet of her power and took us home. I sighed again. As soon as my feet touched cold black marble and my eyes quickly adjusted to the darkness, my body started to relax. Hel touched my arm and the tension immediately returned. "Are you alright, my love?" She asked, her brow wrinkled in concern.

I ignored the familiar nickname and nodded my head, not looking up.

She huffed, sliding her hand off my bicep. "They are far too tender." She stated and walked ahead of me. She shrugged out of her dress and lifted a heavy wave of red hair away from the nape of her neck. "Assist me." She commanded and I began to automatically move. I knew this command well enough that I barely reacted other than to comply. I slid the tip of my ring finger down her spine, starting from the base of her skull. She sighed as my hand slid down her back and she very nearly giggled as she glanced over her shoulder at me with a ruddy flush to her cheeks. I forced myself to become deaf to the sounds she made as my hand tipped to run my finger down her back. It took everything I had to fight down a gag as my finger touched the dip in her spine that preceded her ass.That was as far as I went. I yanked my hand away like I'd been burned.

She reached back to brush her hands over the line my finger had slid along her spine and with a press of her nails against her skin she opened a seam along her spine. She sighed, her head tipping forward a little as goosebumps raced up her arms and she started to peel herself out of her "business attire". She slid the bulky flushed skin off her shoulders and away from her chest, then slid her legs free of the "meat suit" with a contented sigh. She was slick with the oil she slathered on herself to make the suit slide on easily and the scent of it was cloying, sticking to the back of my throat and making it that much harder to not vomit on her.

I hadn't done that in centuries, I wasn't about to start now. She stood before me, the very opposite of what she presented to the other gods at the United Pantheon meetings. She was slender, with the barest hint of feminine curves to her hips and bosom, and half of her body appeared shriveled and blackened, her ribs and collarbone pressed tight against paper-thin flesh. She didn't want me to touch her now, I knew that. She reached up and pulled the back of her red wig open and peeled the face away with it. With a low hiss of displeasure she let the mask fall on the floor with a splat. I turned away from her to walk deeper into the room.

She didn't need to ask me to assist her here. I already knew what she wanted. I was already moving toward a mannequin in the corner of the room, pulling a black dress and a dark green shawl from off it. When I returned she took the dress from me and pulled it over her head. She was just shaking her raven black hair free from the back of the dress when I held out the green shawl to her. She draped it over her head and around her shoulders. I still wasn't looking at her, keeping my eyes locked to her mismatched toes. One foot had perfect little toenails...the other foot was gnarled and black with yellowed nails that hooked slightly, barely remaining in the flesh.

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