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Chapter 21

I felt my body settle and opened my eyes. Around me were halls of chiseled white marble walls with golden runes carved along every expanse, yet as I looked closer the runes were cracked, the walls layered with dust. "Move." The valkyrie behind me growled and I wasn't able to look any closer. Loki also seemed a bit put off and Jormungandr moved sluggishly as he slithered next to me, but we moved ahead as the valkyrie commanded.

We walked down a hall into a square chamber with several doors and I frowned. The hair on my arm stood up and instantly I turned to shove Jormungandr as far away from me as I could. I felt a thick hand snatch the back of my shirt and yank me backward as Jormungandr bared his fangs in a lethal hiss when he saw the person that grabbed me.

The valkyrie behind Jor swiftly clubbed the back of his head with the hilt of her sword to stun the serpent and keep him from striking. "Take him and go." She growled to my captor. "Forseti hasn't heard yet. You can still have what you came for."

My eyes widened and I started to call out "No" just as Thor's hand clapped around my mouth. The hand in my shirt tightened further, tearing the fabric slightly as he yanked me against him. His arm curled around me, holding me captive and I bucked wildly to get away from him. He tightened his arm until I could scarcely breathe and shifted his hand to cover my nose as well as my mouth, cutting off any further breath.

I felt dizzy within a few moments and caught sight of Loki squirming nearby. I heard Thor chuckle. "Well done, trickster."

"You won't hurt him anymore, will you?" Loki asked in a quiet mumble. "You'll give him back to Hel where he belongs?"

Thor chuckled again and I felt his stubbled cheek brush along the hair near my temple. "I don't think that's your problem anymore, is it? Now he won't be testifying about your abandonment, will he?"

My eyes went wide again and I felt Thor shift his hand just enough to let me take a breath. He wanted me to hear this. He wanted me to know my father betrayed me. He wanted it to break me.

I stared at Loki as he trembled. His face was red with guilt and his eyes dark with shame. His hands were balled into fists at his sides and shook as he dug his fingers into his palms. He looked adequately contrite. I wasn't convinced.

Hate and fury reared up in me with no regard to my body. I didn't care that Thor meant to break my ribs if I fought him. I didn't care that he'd dislocate my jaw if he wanted. I thrashed and fought, and as soon as I got any slack I bit as far into his hand with my jagged teeth as I was able. My teeth sank into his flesh and I thrashed my head to the side to make sure that chunks of that flesh came loose. I had the singular pleasure of hearing Thor scream.

He squeezed with his arm around my chest and I felt ribs snap but I kept thrashing. I arched my back, tipped my head, and howled with every ounce of hate and hurt I could muster. I wouldn't let Forseti's palace sleep undisturbed as Thor tried to silence me. Something thudded against my head and silenced the howl for a moment. My vision tilted but I didn't allow myself to fall into darkness. I coughed past a metallic taste in my mouth then howled again. It felt weaker but I fought and howled and bit anything that came near me. I felt like I thrashed on the floor like a wild thing, covered in my own blood, clawing and snarling, trying to kick up as much noise as I could, then at some point the attacks stopped coming and I heard Jormungandr's voice calling out to me.


I stopped, trembling as I crouched on the floor. Thor was being held back by men in thick black armor. There were eight such men and they surrounded Jor and I in an impressive circle. Behind Jormungandr stood Hel, her face an unreadable mask. "S-Sister." I greeted and she tilted her head at me.

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