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Chapter 30:

When the door opened I shoved my foot into the opening, because as soon as Bior saw my face he tried to slam it shut. I growled, pushing my hand against it to get further leverage. "Damn it, Bior!"

"No!" He yelled behind the door, pushing with what felt like his whole body against the panel. "I can't!"

"I just need to talk to you!" I said, baring my teeth as I shoved my shoulder against the door.

"I won't tell you about him!" Bior practically screamed against the door and it felt like a stone in my gut.

I gritted my teeth and kept my shoulder against the door but didn't give in. "It's not about Sleipnir, damn it! I'm trying to save Narfi!"

The pressure against the door stopped pressing against me but didn't lighten, then I heard Bior sigh heavily. "Talk."

"Open the fucking door." I said through my teeth.

"No, you talk like this! You don't need to be in my house to talk."

Behind me Skoll stepped forward to help me push open the door, but I shook my head. "Fine, damn you." I took a breath and shoved the door one last time before I stepped back and let it slam shut. It stayed shut for a moment and I heard rattling before the door came open again.

I saw the point of a spear peeking through the opening and Bior's golden eyes glaring at me through the darkness. "Talk!"

I wanted to knock the spear away and shove the door open anyway, but I didn't. I swallowed down the hurt of seeing a man that was once a childhood friend holding a weapon to me and forbidding me from even seeing his face. I simply told him what I needed to know from him. "I need to know if there is anyone holding onto a killer wolf, either as an attraction or as a soldier."

The golden eyes in the shadow narrowed. "A killer wolf? No. There are plenty of wolves that people use to fight or hunt with. You need to be more specific."

I frowned, pulling up some of the things that Viviana told me about what she'd seen of where my brother was. "There's a small pack. They all live in a cage. One of them is brought out to fight and probably kill men for the pleasure or sport of others."

"Like I said there are plenty of houses that use wolves. They don't ever last long. The only wolf pack that's lasted for a while is Droggr's pack. His pack lasts longer because they have a strong alpha. There is a killer who is caged in with the pack of wolves like he's a wolf himself. He fights for Droggr. Good enough? Will you leave us alone now?"

I swallowed. "Perhaps. If the fighter isn't him, I may return. Where is...Droggr?"

I heard him make a sound that was both a groan and a growl. "By the stockyard. That's where they dump the dead...those that the wolves don't eat, anyway." I heard Bior huff a
laugh. "The wolves eat whatever is left after the alpha is done."

I felt my stomach clench. "He...he eats them?"

Bior grunted. "Sometimes they bring in people that they know won't win just because they want to watch him feed. It's disgusting."

"Oh shit." I heard Skoll say behind me as I felt my blood run cold at both the imagery and the revelation that this might be what my baby brother has become.

I shuddered. "Fine. We'll see. I'll be back."

"Don't come back. You won't be able to see him."

I growled and slapped my hand against the door. "He's my brother, damn it! I have a right to -"

"No!" Bior interrupted, pulling the door open and shoving the spear closer to me as he stepped forward. He was of average height and stocky build, his hair golden brown to match his golden eyes. Golden eyes that were currently ablaze as he threatened to run me through with his spear. "You have no rights to him!" Bior snarled. "He might be your brother, but you will do nothing but bring him misery! Back off!"

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