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Chapter 16:

I could hear Dania and Loki arguing as a far-away backdrop while I sat. I focused on my own breathing and tried not to sink into myself. I didn't want to listen to them argue because I knew it would create a confusing back and forth that I didn't want.

It'll be okay. The Other said quietly and I found myself smiling. He was trying to comfort me. You don't need to hear them, just be there when they find him.

I nodded, finding something solid there. I didn't need to hear Dania and Loki chewing on the thousands of "what if" scenarios. I'd heard them all before. All I wanted was to find my brother. It didn't matter to me how, I just felt it in my soul like a yawning wound.

I jumped when I felt a hand lay gently on my shoulder. I snapped my head up and met with Lucifer's beautiful blue eyes. "You look tired."

I smiled helplessly up and him. "Yes. But I am afraid to rest. I don't want to lose any time to sleep." I sighed and looked down a little. "I feel like every second is borrowed now."

"I'm sorry." Lucifer said quietly. "Hades is doing everything he can to find a cure but the hits just keep coming when it comes to this disease."

I nodded again. "If I can get to Midgard without running into Thor on the way I might have a chance. Jormungandr knows my voice and he'll hear me if I call him. I just don't know how to get there and listening to them argue is...irritating."

Lucifer glance up at where Dania and Loki were literally head to head snarling rebukes at each other. "Yes...I understand." Lucifer said in a sigh. "I will deal with them."

I nodded, grateful that I didn't have to interject into the argument. I didn't really have an argument to offer. I closed my eyes and felt a wave of bone-tired cold wash over me. I shuddered and huddled down into myself, hugging my arms around my chest. I heard a gentle hum in the background of everything, even over the irritated voice in my head that had begun to grumble in response to the people around us. I focused on the hum. There was something soothing in the hum. Something warm and accepting.

It felt like a gentle hand sweeping across my cheek as though wiping away tears. My heart began to pound and ache with longing. I took a deep breath and listened to the hum, even though it stirred memories and emotions I usually leave deep in my mind.

"Fenrir. Fenrir, wake up." I opened my eyes and looked up at Lucifer who peered down at me with concerned blue eyes that seemed to warm with relief when I looked at him.

I smiled a little. "I am well. Are they done?"

"Yeah, we're good." Dania said, glancing at Loki who stood sulking nearby. "We'll take you to your brother, wherever that is, but we can't free either of you. As much as we would like to, we can't risk a war with the Nordic Pantheon."

"They need a war." Loki grumbled and Dania elbowed him hard in the ribs.

Lucifer sighed, a long-suffering sound. "We will be doing our best to cure the shadow-disease you are infected with...or at least increase the survival rate."

I nodded in understanding, though I only cared about the first sentence. They were taking me to my brother. "You know where Jormungandr can be summoned?" I asked hopefully and Dania shook her head.

"I only know he's in one of the oceans...which means he could be anywhere." Dania answered and I frowned thoughtfully. "Do you have any thoughts?"

"I remember hearing tales of serpents in the Atlantic Ocean...and I think his tail was spotted in Scotland." I said with a shrug.

"His tail?" Dania said, looking a little surprised.

I nodded. "In a Loch." I chuckled. "They named it Nessie. Humans are funny."

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