Until Dawn

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Chapter 26

I followed Forseti's scent to a huge library full of law books and populated only with a table and two chairs. Forseti was in one of those chairs, his head in his hands as he leaned forward onto the armrest. He looked tired, down to his bones. I understood that sort of weariness and it hurt my heart to think I had any part of putting it on him.

I took a deep breath and went to him, reaching to lay my hand onto his shoulder. He took in a breath as well and slowly looked up, dropping his hands between his knees. I think he may have expected me to say something, but I didn't. Instead, I looked down at him, searched the planes of his face, reaching up one hand to brush my fingertips along his brow, where the creases of worry had formed. His eyes fluttered shut at my touch and his hand came up to hold mine against his face, cupping his jaw.

I finally did what I'd wanted to do this whole time. I leaned down and pressed my mouth to his.

It was like fire. Touching him, kissing him, tasting him was like fire rekindling in my gut. I found myself pushing closer to him, winding my arms around his shoulders. My lips parted from his only so I could gasp the words "I love you" against him before I kissed him again. The sound he made in return was primal. He brought both arms around my waist and tugged me into his lap. His lips pressed harder and I felt him skim his tongue over the seam of my lips. I didn't hesitate. I parted my lips and let him inside. I didn't think about the ruin of my own mouth, I just enjoyed the familiar taste of him.

I was lost. The rational part of my mind that would shy away from being held in someone's lap while sucking their tongue was gone. I found myself greedily kissing and sucking at his mouth as I squirmed hungrily. He held me fiercely, both hands in tight fists in the back of my shirt as he groaned in my mouth and I shuddered with a groan of my own when his half-hard cock throbbed against me.

I was unable to continue my assault because his hands clamped at my hips to still my desperate movements and he pulled his mouth from mine so that he could sink his teeth into the tender point of my neck near my clavicle. I tipped my head back and moaned softly, my arms tightening around his shoulders as I resisted the urge to sink my nails into his back.

"Patience, my love." He said in a low growl against my neck, making my whole body lift up on edge. The sound of his voice against my skin sent a shockwave of goosebumps through me from the soles of my feet to the top of my head. "I've waited for you for centuries...I'll not let you make me rush this."

I panted and shuddered again. Every nerve felt like it was pins and needles. Everywhere he touched was tingling and alive now. "Please." I whimpered and he groaned, pulling me even tighter against him and fisting his hands in my clothes. "It's been so long since I've felt this good...." I whispered and he let out another primal growl as he lifted me into his arms, walking three steps until he had me sitting on the table in front of him.

I reached for him, pulled at his shirt with every intention to open it, then his hands gently reached up to hold mine. I looked up at him and met his eyes. "Fen...my love...my heart. I've waited so long to have you in my arms again." I shivered and swallowed past the sudden lump of emotion caught in my throat. "I won't take you in a chair or on a library table," he paused, raising his eyes to mine once more as a small smile crossed his lips. "Not today anyway." A smile tugged my lips as I rolled my eyes at him. His arms came around me again and his lips pressed gently to my neck now. "Tonight, I want to savor you."

I bit my lip and some of the uncertainty reared up again, but instead of keeping quiet, I said it aloud. I needed to hear his answer. "I am not what I was...what if you see under these rags and are repulsed?"

He pulled back to look at me incredulously. When he realized I was being serious he shook his head. "Fenrir, what I loved about you then and love still was your soul. The beauty of your body is just a bonus. I look forward to exploring all of the ways your body has changed."

I smiled at him a bit helplessly. The words were lovely and slightly lecherous...and everything I needed to hear. I wrapped my arms around his neck and just hugged him, breathing in his scent. After a moment I whispered, "Then take me to bed before I start thinking again."

He stared at me for a long moment then grinned and scooped me into his arms. I yelped in surprise as he lifted me off the table again and carried me away. I pulled back and when I looked up at him I met his eyes. He was alight with laughter and smiling back down at me as he carried me, almost at a jog, through the halls toward his room. When he settled me onto the bed I still had his arms around me and he swooped in to kiss me again.

I wound my arms around him and kissed him in return, moaning as I opened my mouth to his tongue again. I shivered with discomfort as he explored my mouth, his tongue stroking mine. I practically squirmed under him. He pulled away after a second, looking surprised. I tried to look away but he put a hand under my chin and turned my face back toward him. "Can I see it?" He whispered and I let out a mewling sound, my face going hot with embarrassment. "Fenrir...please. I can think of nothing more than kissing you forever...I'm just...curious."

I looked up at him and his expression was...sheepish? I bit my lip for a second then hesitantly opened my mouth to show him my bifurcated tongue.

He stared for a second, then put a hand to his face, looked away, and whispered, "by the nine." I closed my mouth and moved to sit up, thinking I'd upset him, but he didn't allow it, still pressed close to me with an arm around my waist. The arm closed in tighter and when I looked at his face a bit closer I noticed that his neck and ears looked red.

"Forseti?" I asked, not sure what was wrong.

"I know what has happened to you is hateful...but when I think of that tongue on me...." He shuddered and I felt heat rush to my face now as I understood.

I scoffed, mostly at myself for being foolish enough to worry that he was turning me out of his bed now, and pushed at him. I heard him chuckle, dropping the hand from his face so that he could pull me even closer. He moved so that he was laying atop me now and I didn't struggle, smiling up at him. "And they call me a beast." I said, reaching up to push his hair from his face.

He hummed happily, leaning to press a kiss to my lips. Somewhere in the kissing, his hands started to lift my shirt from off me. I started to squirm again. He smiled against my lips and pulled away from our kiss. His fingers ran up my ribcage and I let out a shivering moan. "Do you remember...when we used to run the trails together?" He asked, shifting his body slightly to let his hand run across my belly.

My back arched. "Y-yes."

He nibbled my neck, his hand dipped lower and traced the line of my hip bone. "I could run beside you from dusk until dawn, remember?"

I hissed through clenched jagged teeth, wanting more, wanting him to hurry. "Yes...."

Then I felt him whisper against my ear again as his hands popped the button on my tattered jeans. "I mean to test your stamina again tonight, my love." He said and when I opened my eyes to look at him I saw his prismatic eyes dark with hunger and promise. I didn't say anything more in response, simply threw my arms back around him and pulled him into a kiss.

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