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Chapter 15:

I couldn't stop thinking. My mind was running in circles, trying to make sense of what just happened. Loki was ignoring me and Lucifer was pacing. We weren't in Hades' Palace anymore, the place smelled different. Lucifer had made a call and after a bit of what looked like heated debate he put his device away and began pacing. So far he'd been at it for at least five minutes.

I didn't look at Loki. Each time I did I felt my Other bristle in anger. How dare he. I heard it grumble. As if he were the only one to suffer. His banishment has been a free ticket to explore wherever the fuck he wants so long as he doesn't end up in Asgard. Must be fucking nice.

"Stop it." I whispered to it quietly, closing my eyes and huddling into the chair in which Lucifer had told me to sit.

We don't need him. Said the voice in my head. If they take this collar off we can go home to Jotunheim, find Narfi and run with his pack.

I shivered, a sensation of overwhelming longing rolling over me. "We aren't done here." I whispered.

The hell we aren't. Loki doesn't know us, Hades doesn't need us, Asgard wants to torture us again...why do you stay?

"Jormungandr." I said with conviction. I wanted to find my brother. Even if it was the last thing I did. He was my only connection to reality now.

There was silence in my head, then a low grumble. Fine.

Another person suddenly appeared in the room and I jumped in surprise, resisting the urge to bolt. I kept telling myself that I was safe here, that Thor couldn't come here, not yet anyway.

The new person was a petite woman with auburn hair kept up in a messy bun. She wore a dark red button-up blouse and black jeans tucked into a pair of black leather boots. She looked around the room with bright blue eyes and I heard Loki sigh as if in relief. "Dania!" He called out and the woman smiled tightly when she saw him. "Will you get me the fuck out of this crazy shit your dad brought me? I don't know what you guys are trying to pull but Thor is involved now and that's got me about to break into hives."

The woman raised a finger as if telling him to pause his rant and turned to look at Lucifer. "Dad?" She said in a questioning tone. For some reason that single word held all of the meaning of an entire interrogation. I could practically hear "what's wrong, why is Loki here, what am i doing here, who's the kid" with an undertone of "what the fuck" woven throughout.

Lucifer sighed, closing his eyes for a moment as if summoning strength. "Can you please get it through Loki's head that this young man is his son and he needs to help him?"

"Oh, I don't doubt that he's mine, I can feel that much." Loki sniffed and examined his nails. "He's definitely got my bloodline, I just don't believe that he's Fenrir."

I felt a growl bubble past my lips and held tight to the arms of the chair to keep from launching out of it. I was getting really tired of trying to convince him. "Go ahead and leave, faðir. It's what you're good at."

Loki turned his attention to me and the look in his eyes was venomous, then he scoffed again, looking away from me. "Further proof. Fenrir would never speak to me so."

I snorted. "Says the god who left Fenrir in Asgard so he could get married again."

Loki's head snapped around and his fangs bared. "It wasn't my choice! It was the only way I could be with Sigyn! They were keeping Fenrir as a hostage but my wife and I worked tirelessly to free him and Sleipnir!"

I raised my eyes up to him and felt my lip curl up to bare my own fangs. "Yes, and that turned out so well."

Loki flinched and the woman, Dania, stepped into sight with her hands up in a referee-type posture. "Woah, okay, I see there's some family shit going on." She turned to fix her gaze on me. "So, who are you?"

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