Hades Made Me Do It

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I felt myself shivering as I followed behind Hades. We walked down a set of stairs into a place that smelled cold and antiseptic even though I could hear a crackle of electricity. Hel hated electricity so I had only a few experiences with it. I'd seen it in use but never felt it. Guided by what I'd seen of a person who was touched by electricity I considered it a blessing. Then a brief wave of fear came over me as I wondered if Hades would use electricity to entice my Beast into showing itself.

My Beast was a broken thing. It had stopped fighting to protect me or aid me long ago. I doubted that it would show itself even if I was being electrified. I shivered harder, resisting the urge to whimper when Hades turned to look at me.

"I'm not going to hurt you." He said gently. "If I hurt you, you need to give me a sign. That's not why you're here. If I wanted to torture someone I have plenty of people to choose from."

I nodded, looking down at the floor and shuddering as I continued to clutch the now-cold cup of coffee. I didn't believe him either. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, thinking of ice and stone. I thought of metal and pain to still the shaking in my body.

When I heard Hades sigh it didn't even scare me.

"You're making me cold but if that helps you keep your shit together, go for it." Hades grumbled and my eyes flew open, the ice now chilling my veins as I stared at him.

No one knew about the cold. I'd been able to keep Hel and Thor out of my head for centuries but somehow he made it past? Terror took me and all of the calm that I'd gained through ice melted into panic. I wanted to leave. I wanted to howl and run. I wanted to beat my head against something to get him out of it.

"Woah, calm the fuck down!" Hades snarled in my ear and only then did I realize that I had dropped the coffee on the floor and was already turned toward the door to run. He'd had to grab me to keep me from escaping. This time I did whimper, staring up at him in abject terror. The more I looked at his eyes, the more I was sure his fury would be terrible and bloody. "Fuck..." Hades hissed quietly and I shook my head, mentally pleading at him to let me go, not to hurt me, to not hear my thoughts. "Just stop!" He shouted and I froze in his grasp. "I said I'm not going to hurt you!" He said, sharp teeth bared. "Do you think I'm a liar?"

I swallowed, staring at him for a moment longer before I shook my head vigorously. I suspected that Hades was many things, some terrible, but I did not think he was a liar.

"Alright then. So calm the fuck down and go sit on the table." Hades commanded and let go of my arms.

Every muscle in my body was tense with the desire to run away from a man who clearly could hear my every thought. I was afraid of what he would see and hear. I raised both hands to my temples, ground my teeth together until they hurt, then shuffled toward a metal table nearby. I briefly lowered my head, taking a deep breath to steady my shaken confidence. I could do this. I could do whatever it was that Hades wanted so long as it meant I could keep leaving Hel once a day.

"No, you're staying here." Hades said behind me and I turned quickly to face him, shocked once again. "What, you think I'm going to let that fat cow ruin my experiment by meddling? No, you're staying here. I've already got a room for you." Hades wasn't even looking at me as he spoke while his fingers tapped away at a keyboard.

I was exhilarated at the idea of being away from my mistress but I knew she wouldn't be happy.

"Yeah, she can go eat a bag of dicks, you're mine for a week." Hades answered and a small huff of laughter escaped me. The moment of giddiness grew when I imagined Hades telling her to eat a bag of dicks and the expression on her half-rotten face.

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