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I continued to cower for a moment then I remembered how much Hel hated that. I quickly got to my feet and stood near the door, shaking...waiting. Then I heard Hades yelling and Hel's response. I couldn't understand what they were saying but I could hear them squabbling. After a moment I bit my lower lip and hesitantly went toward the door, cracking it open.

The first thing I heard was Hades' powerful voice. "Just what the fuck do you think you're doing in my palace acting like you own the fucking place?"

"I am retrieving my dog! I made no agreement for him to stay with you. On top of that I know he summoned his Beast. Just what in all the nine worlds are you playing at?!" Hel bellowed in return.

I shuddered, reaching up to touch the collar around my neck. Of course she knew.

"First of all: He's not a fucking dog, you crazy bitch. Second of all: he's your goddamned brother!" Hades responded and I heard Hel scoff.

"Since when has that mattered? Even if he is not a dog he is still mine and I will do with him as I please. Give him to me now or I will summon him, my way."

"Look, I know this is hard for you to understand...I know thought must be painful since half of your brain is rotten... but please, try slowly for me now." Hades said in a low growl. I heard Hel hiss in fury and I could feel the heat in the hallway from their anger as they argued and I wanted to cower in the corner again. "He is here not just at my request. There are entities in Atlantis, Hell, Duat, and Hades that need what he has."

Hel scoffed in disbelief. "What could he possibly have that warrants such protections?"

"A Beast that can speak." Hades stated and I froze. "Not even Xiphrus' Beast speaks but Fenrir's does. It speaks and understands what others say, it just doesn't give a fuck about other people's opinions." There was a long moment of silence then Hades finally growled, "So go back to your coffin and let me do my fucking work."

I went into the hallway. my hunger to know more about the entity within me conquered my fear of pain and punishment. It speaks? I thought to Hades as I entered the room where the god and goddess were standing in front of each other. I stayed far away from the two of them and raised a hand to gingerly cup my jaw that even now seemed to ache slightly. I knew I'd been grinding my teeth. But...how can it speak when I cannot? I felt the heat of Hel's glare against me but I refused to even turn toward her. I knew that ignoring her would cost me later but I needed to know.

Hel tapped the floor with one spike-heeled shoe. She was in business attire, wearing her red-haired meat suit and a dress of black chainmail while golden skulls dangled from each earlobe. "It could sing opera for all I care. Fenrir is mine and you have no right to take him from me."

Hades never took his eyes off of Hel, watching her with cold electric blue eyes. "Yeah, well Fenrir's Beast is a downright sassy motherfucker and until I figure what that thing can do, the host is going nowhere. Which, by the way is harder than I thought because it's also slippery as an oiled up otter."

I tipped my head in confusion. Slippery?

"Even when I had it cornered in a room with steel walls, it broke free." Hades snorted, looking irritated.

I felt heat rise to my face and Hel crossed her arms over her plump bosom. "Fenrir is infamous for breaking free of bondage." She turned to look at me and a small smile lifted the corner of her mouth. "I shall have to wrap you in Gleipnir for a few days, puppy."

I shuddered, the name of the legendary cord making my flesh crawl and flashes of the dream, Thor's smile and Tyr's bloody stump, crowded into my mind.

Hades made a sound of disgust. "How about you just go the fuck away? I have shit to do and you're already screwing with my timetable."

"No, I shall not." Hel stated in an imperious tone. "As I said, he is mine and I am taking him. He will return for your...science...but he will not stay here."

Hades bared his fangs for a moment then seemed to instantly calm, one hand raising to his forehead as he let out a long sigh. Suddenly he let out a single bark of laughter. "Oh, you're funny. You seem to think you're in charge here."

Hel went very still.

"When you're here, I am everything, bitch." Hades said and his voice seemed to reverberate around me. His eyes burned brighter as I felt his power stirring, like a great storm building, and his smile was foreboding. "As of now Fenrir is mine. He ate the food of my realm, making him mine until I release him. Also, keep in mind that as soon as you decided to come here you lost all the privilege of your Pantheon's protection. I could strip you out of your fat-suit and sell you in Duat as a carnival attraction if I wanted to. So why don't you take your rotten self back to your safe little spider-pit before I get really pissed off."

I was shocked, horrified, and maybe even a little aroused. I was somewhat embarrassed at my body reacting to the situation but there was no denying the coil of pleasure now resting somewhere in my gut. When I saw the look of fury on Hel's face and the downward curl to her lip I knew he'd won.

"I will speak to Odin about this." Hel said in a hiss.

Hades made a gesture with one hand like a mouth flapping open and closed. "Blah blah blah, my grandpa will fight you, blah blah, get the fuck out." he said, ending the sentiment with a "shoo" gesture.

There was a long moment of silence then Hel turned to glare at me. I didn't look at her, simply stood there and shivered. She made a sound of disgust then I felt her shroud herself in power and teleport away.

I let out the breath I'd been holding in a sharp huff of air and collapsed onto my knees. My legs felt too weak to hold me and I struggled to breathe again. I heard Hades step toward me before I suddenly burst out laughing. I felt tears slide down my cheeks as I damn near giggled on the floor.

It was the first time someone had fought a battle for me and won something I wanted.

I heard Hades chuckle. "You're welcome." He said, his tone warm with amusement.

I looked up at him and smiled, reaching up to wipe my face. I wanted to hug him but that would do nothing but make us both uncomfortable. With Hades the thought seemed to count and he laughed. "Come on, kid, I have something to show you." He said, his smile lingering as he turned to walk.

I nodded, getting up from the floor and following him down the hall. Right then I felt like I would have followed him anywhere.

Finding Fenrir (Underworld Chronicles Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now