Step One

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Hades was staring at me. He was sitting at a rolling chair by his computer, his chin propped against the palm of one hand while he leaned against the desk. He stared with an intense curiosity, like he was picking threads of fine silk apart. Normally, that would unnerve me.

Right then, I didn't give a damn.

I was running, smiling to myself as I felt my body coming alive again. I felt the breath come in through my nose then leave my mouth in a sharp puff. My focus was entirely on the breathing, the pounding of my feet against the moving floor, and the steady rhythm of my heart.

I didn't notice that another person had come in until I heard them speak to Hades. "Is this where you've been?" A man said and I didn't even look at him.

"Yeah." Hades said, sounding distracted. "I keep waiting for him to Hulk out or get tired."

There was a sound of disbelief. "When did he get here?"


"What? Hades, you need to stop!"

"Tell him that!" Hades answered.

I momentarily lost focus. My foot slipped and I tripped, mid-stride, to fall on my face. Thanks to the moving floor I was quickly sent into the wall behind me. My back collided with a heavy thud and I heard the other male voice cry out in alarm. There was a brief shuffle then I heard Hades say, "Wait, wait. Watch what he does."

"Hades!" The other man said, his tone clearly one of disapproval.

I sat for a minute then laughed and got back to my feet. I dusted myself off, took a breath, then started running again. It didn't take me long to find my stride again. I couldn't stop smiling.

I could hear Hades laughing as I ran and it made me smile a bit more. "See? He loves this!"

"Even so, you both should take a break."

"Oh fine." Hades said in a grumble. "Fenrir! That's enough for now." He chuckled and the floor slowed to a stop. I continued to breathe a bit hard as I looked at him. He was smiling and the expression was somewhat warm with his amusement. "I'll let you run again later, alright?"

I nodded enthusiastically and glanced at the man with him. The man was as tall as Hades with a wave if blonde hair waterfalling over his broad shoulders. He was looking at me in puzzled concern and I only kept my eyes on him for a moment. I also knew him from the United Pantheon meetings. This was Lucifer Morningstar, Lord of Hell.

I lowered my head some more, not wanting to offend him by looking at his face. "Fenrir." Hades' voice caught my attention and I looked toward his shoulder. "Who told you that you couldn't look at a person's face?" The Greek god asked and for a moment I forgot to breathe.

Odin's boot connected with my side hard enough to make me yelp and tumble away from him. I cowered in front of him, curled in a small ball as I looked up at his wrinkled frown. "Never meet eyes with your superior, dog, lest you be cut down for your insolence."

I shook my head, trying to get the memory away from me, but I heard Hades growl in irritation. "Ugh...fucking Odin." I bit my lip. I tried to think of bunnies again, but there was no bunny that could hide what I'd been taught since I was a pup. "Look, while you're here, you can look at whoever the fuck you want. I don't know how it is in Ass-gard or Hel-topia but here in my realm I don't like it when people don't look me in the eye."

I hesitated. I felt a brief thrill of fear then calm went over me when I remembered that Hades was not a liar. I was to do as he told me and so far he'd only shown me kindness. I took another deep breath, then raised my eyes to meet his. They were a brilliant glowing blue, rimmed by long black lashes. He had a small crease in his brow. A line that spoke of worries, as my father explained it. I remembered that he'd had that line too.

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