Remain Calm

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Chapter 14:

I clenched my mouth tightly shut, staring up at Thor but not quite meeting his eyes. Maybe, he didn't know I could talk. Maybe we could get out of this without the God of Thunder wreaking havoc on this place.

Thor smiled. "Yeah, there's no good hiding it, puppy." the blonde commented as he stepped closer and leaned toward me. "I heard you yipping at your daddy a minute ago."

I shivered, wanting to step away but knowing better than to try to avoid him.

"I'm not his daddy." I heard Loki say behind me. "This isn't Fenrir. It is a poor trick." I didn't know what Loki was trying to do. Was he trying to trick Thor into thinking I wasn't Fenrir or completely certain that I wasn't his son? Either way, it left a sour taste in my mouth.

Thor turned his head so he wasn't looking from over my shoulder at the elder gods behind me, now he was looking at my profile while I stared straight ahead. "Well? What do you say, puppy? Are you the King of Beasts or not?" Thor said in a gentle coo, as if he was talking to a scared dog. 

I didn't answer. 

"SPEAK!" Thor boomed as he got right in my face and Iinstinctively jumped.

"I'm sorry!" I yelped, my eyes squeezing shut as my whole body froze.

I heard Thor begin to chuckle quietly before his hand slid into my hair and he gently ruffled the dark strands. "Ah, see how well I trained him? You were good to leave him with us Loki."

I heard Loki choke behind me as I shook, resisting the urge to whimper as tears of dread stung my eyes. I fought to hold them back.

"So, tell me, puppy. What are you doing here? You know you aren't allowed to see Daddy anymore." Thor said in the same sickly sweet tone.

"Y-yes, sir." I stuttered and I could feel the Other in my mind raging, wanting out, and I was shaking as I held it back. "I d-didn't m-mean to. Lucifer said he was t-taking me back to Hel."

Thor nodded and I felt his fingers in my hair cup the entirety of my head. "Oh, on a first name basis, huh?"

"I'm s-sorry, sir. Mr. M-M-Morningstar." I said to correct myself, every muscle in my body was so tense that it felt like my bones were grinding.

"Hm. You must have been having fun. Mouth all fixed up, got to see Daddy, even talking all casual...." I didn't look up but I heard the condescending disapproval in his voice. "We should probably go over the fundamentals of your training again, just to make sure you remember your place." I couldn't hold back a silent sob of dread now and felt hot tears go down my cheeks as I stared at nothing. Thor's fingers tightened into a fist in my hair and he jerked my head close so that he could speak against the shell of my ear. "Under my boot." He said in a growl.

"That's enough, Odinson." I heard from Lucifer behind me but I was still holding very still, tense as the strings of a piano under Thor's fingers. "He's still under Hades' control. Hades hasn't released him to Loki yet and Fenrir still has some of the food from the underworld in his system."

"Mm." Thor hummed thoughtfully. "Well we can do something about what you've eaten, right?" I whimpered.

"Please. I'm sorry, sir. Please. I didn't mean to."

"Fuck, can you leave the kid alone?" Loki said, sounding irritated. "I told you he's not Fenrir. Is this some random servant you've convinced into playing a part because this is stupid even for you. I'm not falling for it."

There was silence for a long moment as Thor held my head in one hand. I could feel my shoulders heaving with silent sobs and I couldn't hear the voice in my head, only the deafening sound of my own breathing. When Thor laughed suddenly I practically yipped in fright as I jerked. "Oh, that's fucking hilarious. You don't even recognize your own whelp."

"I told you I'm not falling for it." Loki growled.

"Well, I don't care if you recognize him or not. This is mine, and thanks to Hades I have to re-train him all over again." Thor said in a dismissive tone.

"I said you can't have him. He's still a servant of the Greek Underworld until he either doesn't have the food in his system anymore or Hades allows him to leave. The only way this boy was going to leave was if he was in Loki's or my care." Lucifer said, his upper lip slightly curled in disgust at Thor and his fangs flashing.

I heard Thor scoff in amusement. "Sure, sure. Let's take care of that, shall we?" Thor's hand twisted in my hair again and yanked my head back just before he plunged his fingers into my mouth so far that I felt his knuckles on the roof of my mouth. I gagged but fought the urge to vomit, tears streaming down my face. "Hah. I forgot how much we trained that little gag reflex of yours!" Thor laughed then wiggled his fingers in my throat. "Now we just have to get that pesky underworld slop they fed you out of there." He said with a chuckle. I heard Lucifer and Loki both yelling but couldn't make out what was said as I squirmed in his grasp.

GODDAMN YOU! My Other screamed.

I don't know if it was me or the Other but something snapped. I allowed my instincts to take over and closed my teeth into the top of Thor's hand so hard I could taste blood. His hand flew out of my mouth and I coughed as he bellowed in rage. I felt other hands grab me and pull me away from the God of Thunder.

"Bitch!" Thor bellowed, holding his bleeding hand.

I coughed, gulping in air and looked up to realize I was behind both Loki and Lucifer now.

Then I heard Thor laugh, a low foreboding sound. "That's alright. We're going to have tons of fun once I have you again, puppy. I have a bunch of new games just for you."

I gasped in another lungful of air and felt my Other bristle. We need to kill him. We need to tear off his head and fuck his eye-socket.

I squeezed my eyes shut and put both hands on my head to keep a visual image from following the graphic threat. I felt a hand on my shoulder and suddenly there was silence except my harsh breathing. I looked around and we were no longer in the casino and there was no more Thor.

"What...the fuck...did I just do?" I said in a small voice to no one.

I think we just started Ragnarok. My Other replied calmly.

Well, shit.

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