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When I was young, only a few centuries and the human equivalent of 14, I was sitting with Odin and all the others at dinner. I was nervous because I'd gone without my father this time and I desperately wanted my grandfather's approval. I knew if he could accept me then all of Asgard would follow. I wanted to show him I was more than my Beast and I meant him no harm.

Asgardian warriors, men and women alike, recounted their great tales and feats of strength. I had very little to say. I'd been trained as a warrior but I'd seen no battle. I was surprised when Tyr, the God of War, turned toward me with a broad smile. "I've been telling them but they don't believe can break just about anything isn't that so? I mean, I've seen you break through a lot of things but Loki swears you are untameable. Is that true or is your father embellishing the truth again?"

He started to laugh boisterously ad people chattered sround us and I flushed. "Y-Yes! It is true! My father does not lie!" I answered defensively. Odin was paying attention now and I puffed up confidently. "Locks and chains mean nothing to my strength!" There was a round of "ooh"s and "aah"s of disbelief.

Tyr raised both hands as if to say, "See?" and I felt myself smile at the man's half-drunk bravado.

"Can you prove it?" Said Thor coolly from the other end of the room. Somehow his voice cut through all of the play and guffaw like a rumble of thunder. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. Thor scared me but I didn't allow him to see my fear.

"You may test me if you wish. I have no care." I answered as I glared down at the table. I slid my gaze toward him, careful not to meet his eyes but refusing to let him see me squirm.

Thor snorted. "Alright then, runt. We shall test it and see if you speak truth or if you are a liar like your father."

I saw Tyr's face go pale as Thor rose and he looked at me apologetically. I don't think he meant for the question to turn into a challenge. I smiled toward him understandingly. Thor was ready to challenge with every breath. Today he chose me because my father was nowhere to be found.

Thor led me to an area that was essentially a small stage and snapped for a slave to come to him. He pulled the man up toward him with a fist in the slave's tunic and began to whisper in the man's ear. The man went pale then nodded with understanding. Thor glared at him for a moment then released him. The man skittered away and returned moments later with a burlap sack over his shoulder and a box tucked under his arm.

I frowned but I wasn't afraid.

Thor took the box and opened it, revealing several types of bondage. Leather, chains, ropes, cuffs that hummed with magic...I didn't allow myself to wonder why Thor would have such things.

I frowned and put forward both hands, palms up and head high. He looked me up and down then strode forward with a length of rope. He bound me with expert care. The ropes were tight enough to limit movement and bite into flesh but not enough that I lost circulation. He stood beside me when he was done then I saw a small smirk on his lips as he looked at his handiwork.

I didn't allow him long to admire his work before I flexed my wrists and ripped the rope free from my hands in an explosion of fibers. Thor's expression fell into disappointment then he reached into the box for more toys.

This continued for at least an hour. Thor would bind me and I would allow it before breaking free. Ropes unraveled, chains snapped, magic crumbled. 

I was quickly growing bored with the Thunder God's performance. But as I looked around at the cheering and laughing faces I felt pleasure surge through me. This is what an Asgardian did! This is how I could gain acceptance!

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