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Chapter 29:

A day wasn't enough. I told Skoll and Jor about the hunt and Skoll's immediate response was that he wanted to make a cake while Jor wanted to go for a swim. My brother and I swam while Skoll made another cake, this one made of some sort of cheese, he said. We swam, we played. I learned about cheesecake and iced tea, the latter of which Forseti made for me. It was cold and maybe a little too sweet but nice.

It was hard to see the day end.

I didn't want to sleep. I wanted to stay in Forseti's arms and watch the sun rise. I wanted to make the day stretch as long as I could. I was awake when I saw the first bit of warmth in the sky and breathed out in a slow sigh. I knew then that he was also awake and started to pull away to get out of bed. Forseti's arms tightened around me slightly. "Not yet." He whispered, just barely awake.

I hugged him, breathing his scent, then whispered in half-hearted protest, "The sun...she'll be here soon."

"I know. Just...another moment." He said in reply, leaning in to kiss me. I tilted my chin
to meet the kiss, I leaned into his mouth as I welcomed him, morning-breath and all.
I felt his hands begin to wander and squirmed, fitting my body against him. I felt his thigh slide between mine and one of his hands cupped my ass as he pulled at me to lift me toward him, I knew he was rock-hard for me. I groaned against his mouth, ready to give in to the flare of hunger in my gut that arose whenever he touched me. I knew we had important things to do and so many reasons to get out of bed right now. All I wanted, however, was to open myself up for him and howl his name as he mounted me.

The quiet knock at the door stopped me. I nearly jumped out of my skin. Forseti's hands clutched against me for a moment then his face darkened into a glare at the door. I shivered.

"Dad?" Skoll's voice, sounding sheepish. "Viv is here. She said she's ready."

I closed my eyes and let out a quiet grunt of disappointment. Damn.

"We'll be out in a moment, Skoll. Thanks." Forseti answered toward the door.

"Alright, I'll keep her occupied." Skoll replied and with that his heavy footsteps left the doorway.

Forseti grumbled and looked down at me for a long moment, as if considering how long to make her wait. I scoffed a quiet laugh and shook my head. There was no such thing as a "quickly" for us. His eyebrows went up in sad agreement and he groaned unhappily as we peeled apart. Forseti and I got out of bed and made quick work of getting dressed before going to join Viviana and Skoll in the sitting area.

Jor was there as well, watching Viviana with narrowed eyes from where he was coiled among a pile of pillows nearby. Viviana had a small tray of scones in front of her and was cooing happily as she sat across from Skoll, complimenting him on both his fine cooking as well as his good looks.

"You were just a darling little thing last I last saw you! Now look at you, a mighty warrior...who can cook! What a catch you'll be!" she giggled, then gasped when she saw the two of us. She patted the table where the empty chairs awaited. "Good morning! Come, come. Have one of these, they're lovely. They have raspberry in them!"

Skoll chuckled and rose from his seat to walk back in the kitchen, returning with a cup of tea for his Father. Forseti and I sat next to Viviana. A silence dropped around the room and was replaced by the three of us staring at Viviana, all of us waiting for her to tell us what she knew.

She sensed the silent tension and huffed quietly before carefully dabbing at her mouth with a napkin. She sighed and set the scone onto a dessert plate in front of her. "I suppose we'll start at the beginning." She said in a tone that spoke of her own dread of the topic.

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