Telling Tales

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Chapter 8

I was in the lab once more, sitting on one of Hades' tables. He was gathering materials and tools while I waited anxiously. I wasn't sure what he could do or what he would say but I wanted to know the truth. I wanted to know what the Beast had done to my body. I shuddered at the thought.

"Relax." Hades said over his shoulder. "It didn't kill anyone and, other than what happened with your mouth, it hasn't done anything else to you...or with you." He glanced over his shoulder with the last few words and heat flushed my face. "I don't know what that thing's deal is with Theo, but it needs to back the fuck off."

I nodded in agreement. Theo was attractive, but I had a feeling that Hades would tear off my face if my Beast went too far. I wouldn't even argue about losing my face for a while considering my Beast was a creepy hands-on kind of creature. Hades made a sound like an irritated growl that confirmed the face-ripping idea.

After a moment, Hades approached me with a tray of tools that gave me a shiver of apprehension. "Open up." Hades said, holding what looked like a pen-light and a popsicle stick.

Nervously I opened my mouth, looking up at the light overhead. Hades pressed the popsicle stick against my tongue. "Take a deep breath." He said and I did. I heard him grunt quietly as he peered into my mouth. "Damn...they really made a mess of you didn't they?" He commented in a soft growl. "What the fuck, did Thor use the hammer on you or what?"

I whimpered. The comment hit far too close to the truth. Thor had shoved a stone in my mouth then lodged it into place by "gently" tapping it with Mjolnir. Naturally, the first stone exploded in my mouth but the next, much larger, stone was up to the task.

Hades made a disgusted sound. "That explains the tears to your tonsils and tongue." He grumbled.

I tried very hard to stay calm with my mouth open. I hated this. I hated having my mouth open, even for someone that was the closest thing to a doctor I'd ever known. I kept staring up at the light. It reminded me of the unforgiving sun in Vanaheim. Thor kept me there after silencing me. He wanted to make sure that I felt no comfort. I remember the sun beating down all the time. There was no night, just a brief dimming of the light. Being that I was in wolf form and tied to a circle of stones, there was no comfort, only blistering heat. I remembered the constant burning in my paws, my eyes stinging with tears anytime I moved, drool and blood on my chest as I panted to release some heat, the smell of my own blood, the taste of pus.

"Hey, calm down." Hades said, snapping his fingers. I blinked and remembered where I was. "I'm not him, okay?" Hades said quietly as his gloved fingers prodded against my teeth.

I shivered violently and fought the urge to bite. He's not him. Not him. Not him.

I kept repeating the phrase as Hades examined the damage to my mouth and teeth. I saw him scowling, felt his fingers testing the top of my mouth. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, his fingers withdrew and he pulled back. I quickly shut my mouth. It took a few moments to calm down and get my breathing under control.

Thankfully, Hades was busy making notes. By the time I had calmed down, he looked back at me, frowning as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Well, your teeth are a mess, your upper palate has been damaged and your tongue has been totally bifurcated."

I arched a brow. What is bifurcated? I thought.

"Split in half." Hades responded and I winced. "You haven't noticed but your tongue is split and your upper palate is, for lack of a better word, cracked. I'd have to sedate you to look at your vocal chords and mend the upper palate." I tipped my head curiously, wondering just what he'd need to do, then I shook my head and banished the thought.

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