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Chapter 28:

I stared at her, my brows screwed down into a scowl. "You want me to what?" I spat and her eyebrow lifted before she turned to look at Forseti.

The Judge was rubbing his forehead, his own face screwed into a grimace. "He just got back, dammit." He said in a low growl. "Couldn't this wait?" He added, dropping his hand to slap at his side with his obvious frustration.

She sighed, frowning now. "No, actually. It could not. Hades is murdering my babies. If my babies here in Asgard are going to survive they need someone that can fight back if Hades or his bullies come for them...and I know they will."

"I won't fight Hades." I said, unwavering.

"I didn't say I wanted you to." Viviana answered, straightening in her seat. "There is someone I want you to find. Rowan has other things going and frankly we are spread thin trying to protect ourselves."

"Protect yourselves?" I said in disbelief, rising from my seat now and setting the yogurt aside. "Something you are doing is spreading a disease that is killing people! I have it within me!"

"Nonsense, that was barely a tendril," she answered with an offended huff, crossing her arms over her chest. "And it's gone now, I'll have you know."

"A tendril?" I snarled. "What the hell do you mean by that?"

"I never meant to make you one of mine, Fenrir." Viviana said, one finger tapping against her arm as she glared at me through those obsidian eyes. "You had a second self that was blocking my voice at the time, keeping me out. Even so, you wouldn't have survived. While you were with your sister and all that time in Vanaheim, you'd given up. You were nothing but meat. You probably would have been one of those poor souls that blows up before they can come home to me." She sighed sadly, shaking her head. There was a pause, as if she were taking a breath to grieve, then her eyelashes fluttered open and she turned a small smile toward me, one of quiet pride. "But look at you you can help me find the one I've been wanting longer than I ever wanted you."

I kept frowning at her then shook my head. "I...I don't understand."

"One of my babies. Here in Asgard. He needed me and I was there for him. Now I need you to bring him to me."

I stared at her. "Why...don't you get him yourself?" I murmured, resisting the urge to cringe away from her.

"No. I need you to do it." She said, her dark eyes narrowed at me in disapproval now. "He'll fight me if I find him. If it's you he may come to me on his own." She stood up from the chair and the air in the room became cold enough to prickle my skin into goosebumps. She was far taller than me, probably taller than Hades due to the several inches of height her spiked stiletto heels gave her. She walked over to me and tilted her head, the sweetness of her scent filled my senses as she said, "Fenrir, I need you to bring my baby home."

I shook my head. All of the danger signals in my head were making me feel lightheaded. I wanted to crawl up the wall to get away from her. I had nowhere to go but to stand rigid in front of her. I did not relinquish my spoon, pitiful weapon that it was. " a bad idea. I shouldn't help you." I finally said.

"But you will." She said, her voice clear and final. Once again, she wasn't asking.

"Why are you so convinced I'll find him?" I growled, frustrated that I felt backed into a corner.

"You should be able to find one of your own brothers, right?" She said and my heart nearly stopped.


"You haven't seen him since he was a baby but you should know his scent or something." My heart was pounding and all of the danger signals I'd had up to this point seemed to sharpen into a single point that was slowly embedding itself in my head. "It seems the children of Loki are inexplicably drawn together." nonono  "I was hoping you'd do this...if not I'll use the snake."

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