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Chapter 18

When I woke up it felt like my arm was asleep even though I wasn't laying on it. I groaned and shifted to look at the arm, not sure what to expect, and smiled when I saw Jormungandr curled around my arm. His grip was a bit tight and uncomfortable so I nudged his head to rouse him. He responded by biting the pad of my finger while he was still asleep. I answered by wiggling my arm and nudging him again. "Ow." I said playfully and saw his blue eyes slowly blink open. I looked at the finger he'd bitten and saw that he hadn't broken the skin so I didn't have venom to be concerned about, just the tingling in my arm.

"Sorry." Jor said and yawned as he slowly uncoiled from my arm.

I winced, instantly feeling my arm tingle as the full flow of blood returned to the limb. Jormungandr seemed apologetic again, fully unwinding from my arm. I rubbed the tingling muscles and smiled over at him. "I don't mind. I'm glad it wasn't a dream."

Jormungandr made himself into a small bundle of silver coils and flicked his tongue. "So am I. I have missed you."

I smiled and ran my hand along his scales, making his eyes close in pleasure. "I wish I could hug you." I said sadly, still smiling down at the tiny serpent.

Jormungandr's tongue flickered out again then he suddenly raised his head. "Does Hades have a pool? Or some other large vessel for water?"

I blinked in surprise. "I don't know. He has everything else so I'm sure he does...or we could find something. Why? Do you need water?"

Jormungandr nodded and there was a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. "I need something at least three feet deep."

The request made me nervous but I slowly nodded my understanding. I didn't even know how to ask anyone about a pool so I motioned for my brother to curl around my arm again and rose from the bed. Certainly my brother and I would be safe so long as we stayed in the palace.

I stepped quietly out into the hall, glancing around. There wasn't anyone around, not even servants, which didn't help me much. I lifted my head and closed my eyes, drawing in a deep breath of air. I thought about the way water smelled and the different scents from the various treatments for indoor water.

I smelled the kitchen sink. I smelled chemicals and salinated water in Hades' lab. I knew there would be a tub or tank there but I didn't want to go into Hades' lab without permission. I did not know Hades well but I knew enough to refrain from violating his space.

"Anything?" Jor asked from my shoulder.

I shook my head. "Not yet." I walked down the hall toward a window and caught a whiff of what I could only describe as suffering. I opened my eyes and I stood at a window that looked down onto black waters that churned without a breath of wind. The River Styx said the voice in my head and I shuddered. I definitely didn't want Jormungandr to wade into those waters.

I turned away from the window and went the opposite direction. I had a motto when it came to finding things. Keep walking/running until you find it. So I did. I walked and kept my eyes closed and fingertips out.

I felt my way through the palace by scent alone and with only a small idea of how to find my way back to the bedroom. I found myself looking out onto a large swimming pool. The pool had been fashioned to look like a lake hidden amongst stones and foliage. There was a deep pool that tapered into more shallow water and on a higher tier with a wading area that steamed.

"Ooh." I heard Jormungandr coo quietly. "I should like to see the hot spring in time but for now that pool will do nicely!" With that I felt the snake uncoil quickly from around my arm. He slithered into the water before I could protest.

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