Chapter 1

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Hi. I am Alison Steele. A brunette with grey eyes. I have an average life except that my parents are billionaires.How is that a problem you might ask.Well , I am just a part of their life that they don't care about.It was like 'Hey,you are born now let Athena take care of you.' By the way, Athena is my super cool babysitter/housekeeper/friend Yep. The only good thing about my life is my best friend Kaden Edward.His parents are just like mine so he understands my feelings .
Most of my day is spent with him and he was here just like usual.
The problem was my parents again. They were just persistent on sending me to Harvard while I wanted to go to NYU. I had infact spent an entire hour of my life which I will never get back arguing with them about this. Who do you think won? Of course! Them!
I was brought to the here and now by Kaden saying,"Ali, come on . Cheer up , they are just people who love to get things done their own way even if they have to destroy someone else's life.Forget it."
Kaden knew about all of this because I spent an entire hour of his which he will never get back telling him about my problem. He wasn't the best comfort so I talked to my other best friend Lily and she sure made me feel better by her constant swearing.
"You're right. Forget it."
"Did you hear about that party at Britney's house?"
"Yep, and no I'm not going.Don't try to persuade me otherwise because you know I hate parties."
"Come on , Ali. For me ,please."
"No ,no and no," I replied.
"Please, for me,"he said giving me the puppy dog eyes.
He had beautiful green eyes the kind I wish I had.Mine were grey. He also had chocolate brown hair like me.
Almost every girl at my school at blonde hair and blue eyes but not me, obviously.
Anyway, back to life. "Fine , but just this one last time."
He grinned, "That's what you always say."
I sighed. He knew me too well.
We reached school and were met by a group of Kaden's friends. We split up and I went to my other friend Lily. She was a bubbly and to-the-point kind of person. The first thing that she did as soon as I reached her was say, "You're going to Britney's party and that's final." "Yeah , I know and I'm coming."
To say she was surprised would be an understatement.She was stunned into speechlessness and let me tell you that Lily never stops talking.
"Kaden persuaded me," I clarified . She nodded saying ,"He sure saved me a lot of work and anyway I think it's time to take out the dress and I could give you a makeover."
I groaned and she rolled her eyes.I opened my mouth to protest but she cut me off and said"Don't even think of arguing ." I wisely shut my mouth and was saved by the bell.
I started to walk off and Lily called out,"Meet me here at the final bell."
I ignored her and kept on walking.I reached my first period which was American History. The teacher started talking and I put my head down on the desk cushioning it with my arms. I closed my eyes and wished for the day to be already over.
Author's Note:
So this is the first book I have ever written so please bear with me.
What do you think ? Is it long enough? I personally think that it's too short . I have a lot of doubts and would appreciate your comments and advice.
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