Chapter 12

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I went inside and was surprised to see Britney wearing some actual clothes for once.

She was talking to Kaden

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She was talking to Kaden. They were standing in the hallway. He was leaning against the wall and she had a hand on his chest.
I turned away and was squeezed in a hug by Kaden's older sister Maya.
"Maya, you're back!" I squealed. "Yeah, I came for today's dinner especially."
Maya was a college student. She studied in a college not far from town but she preferred to stay at the dorms. Probably because her father was just like mine.
Our moms are pretty cool. I turned and hugged first Kaden's mom and then his grandma.
The moms and grandmoms started talking so we started our own conversation.
"I don't like her," Maya says. "Who?" I asked. "That girl," she nodded he head towards Britney.
"Me either," I reply. "She looks like a high school bitch," she said. "Oh,she is. She totally is."
"Did she give you trouble for being Kaden's best friend?"she asked.
I shook my head,"Why are we even talking about her? Let's talk about something else. Have you met any hot boys at college?"
She blushed. "You did! OMG! You did! Finally!"
She laughed,"Yeah, his name is Dave and we've been dating for a month now."
"A month! And now you're telling me. Man, you are lucky that Lily isn't here, she would've killed you."
"I know and have you met anyone?"
I was about to refuse when mom interrupted,"She went on a date yesterday."
Maya looked at me,"Who, when, where, how?"
"Ashton Jacobs, we met at a party. He asked me out at a beach party and we went on a date yesterday."
"You went on a date with that worm?" I spin around and come face to face with Kaden. The bitch troll is clinging to his arm as usual. She looks equally surprised.
Am I that ugly? Huh. I thought I was pretty.
Any ways,"Yeah, I did," I reply coolly.
He grimaced. I turned to Maya who rolled her eyes and turned to me.
"We can go out for a shopping trip and buy your homecoming dresses. I'll call Lily too."
"I would like that, I need one."
"Me too. I'll come too, thank you." The bitch troll put in.
Maya looked at her with a blank look,"Who the hell invited you?"she asked.
The bitch troll blushed. I choked back a laugh and followed Maya to the stools around the counter.
"Self-obsessed bitch," she said. "She looks like a troll."
I laugh. "A troll?" "Yes, a troll. Her lips make her look like a goldfish and I saw her trying to bite her lip. She didn't look seductive,she looked constipated."
I burst out laughing and so did mine and Kaden's mom.
I didn't know they were listening. Maya didn't know either because she looked equally surprised.
"We don't like her either," mom explained. Her mother is an even bigger bitch than her. She's our business rival but she can't come up to the standard of 'E&S Fashion Designer.'"
I smiled,"So, we're on the same page."
"Yep," they reply.
"Mission break up Kaden from that bitch troll is a go!" Maya whispered with her hand out.
We all stuck our hands out and put our mission on a go.
The oven dinged and it was time for dinner.
We followed the adults in the dining room and Britney made forward to sit beside Kaden aka my usual seat but I beat her to it.
"Get up, you fat ass," she hissed. Except that it was so loud that both Maya, Kaden heard.
"That's her usual place," Maya said with a sickly sweet smile and voice.
I smothered my laughter as I began to load my plate with rice.
"Well, I'm here so I should sit here, right?"bitch troll turned to Kaden.
I turned to him to find him practically inhaling his chicken.
When he felt his eyes on us, he turned,"What? I'm hungry!" God! He thought we were looking at him because of the way he was eating. If you call that eating, that is.
Maya grinned and moved to Kaden's other side while Britney tried to beat her to it.
We settled in and the bitch troll had to sit in the only empty chair i.e beside my dad.
She sat down seething and we started eating.
God, the food was like heaven on earth.
"Don't you like the food?" Maya asked the bitch troll.
She bit her lip making her look constipated but then,"It's so oily, I can't eat it."
I turned to Miranda (Kaden's mom) who had a hurtful look on her face.
Pooh, big mistake.
"Well if you don't like it then then get the fuck lost because we only sit here because we like the food."
Maya nearly shouted. Maya loves her mom to the death and if anybody says anything hurtful about her, they find them selves on her killer list.
"And if you don't like it then you should have kept it in your goldfish like mouth."
The bitch troll's mouth opened and closed like a gold fish. There was dead silence.
Finally,"Kaden, are you going to let her talk to me like that?"
"Yep," Kaden said. "And don't you ever put a foot in this house if you're gonna talk to my mom like that."
The bitch troll got up and stalked out.
I bit my lip and turned to Maya.
Big mistake. We both start laughing and soon enough everyone is laughing.
"Your girl friend is so stupid. She doesn't even know that first impression is the last impression," Maya said between laughs.
We calmed down after sometime and continued eating.
We had vanilla ice cream for dessert.
It was, by far the best family dinner ever. The most entertaining one at least.
I woke up to that blasted alarm ringing again. Why had I not broken it already?
I trudged out of bed wishing I hadn't stayed up till 2'o clock to inform Lily about the dinner and the shopping trip.
I showered, pulled my hair in a messy bun and pulled on my clothes.

I walked downstairs and downed the strawberry smoothie Athena made for me

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I walked downstairs and downed the strawberry smoothie Athena made for me.
I walked up to find Kaden's car not in its usual parking spot or in our driveway.
I cursed and got my keys from inside. I drove to school with 'Sorry Not Sorry' by Demi Lovato as my background music.
I reached school in ten minutes and found Lily waiting for me.
As soon as I locked my car, she grabbed my arm and yanked me with her.
She dragged me to the corridor where our lockers were located. A crowd was gathered there.
"You've got to see this," she said.
Author's Note:
Cliffhanger. 😛😛
If you want to find out what happens then you have to read the next chapter.
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