Chapter 17

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I feel like someone just dumped a bucket load of ice cold water down my back.
Weird that I hate cold water considering that I'm so cool, right? But, cold water even affects cool people
I lost you, right?
Ok, so I just left my house without my keys because Kaden had said that he would take me to school.
Imagine my surprise that when I went to the passenger seat, I found a certain dirty blonde there.
You guessed right, it was Rachel. That goldfish just had to hog our car ride too.
I turned on my heels when a voice interrupted,"Mar, you getting in or what?"
Did he just call me Mar after such a long time just to make me sit in the car with his goldfish of a girl friend?
Meh, who cares?
"I really don't want to intrude," was the only thing I said before running inside and retrieving my keys.
I ran outside ignoring Kaden's protests and pulled out.
What could I do? I really didn't want to cry this early in the morning while watching the love of my life with that goldfish.
I reached school very early and only a few students were there. I went to the library and grabbed my books from my locker on the way.
Imagine my surprise when I saw Ashton sitting there looking so engrossed that I didn't want to interrupt him.
Looking at him, I felt bad that I cried over Kaden and kissed Ashton.
My train of thoughts was broken by Ashton.
"Hey! What are you doing here so early?"he asked.
"I just got up early so I decided that it was time to start the day."
He smiled,"Well, dear girlfriend, would you do me the immense honour of accompanying me to my favourite restaurant after school? I have a surprise for you."
"Well someone's full of surprises these days but yeah, I'd love to go."
"Great. I hope you love it. Anyway, let's go the bell's about to ring and we need our books."
He got up and surprised me by holding my hand all the way to our locker.
I could feel everyone's eyes on me as I walked beside him.
Lily's eyes widened as she took in our interlocked hands. Thank god, the bell rang and saved me from being bombarded by questions.
Me and Ashton are currently sitting in a Chinese restaurant.
Well, I am anyway. He had to go to the car to get something he forgot.
At lunch, Lily asked me how we ended up holding hands and I had to remind her that we were now in a relationship.
I also told her about our after school date which ended up me spending 15 precious minutes that I will never get back again retouching my makeup and redoing my bun.
Since it was in a bun, it was wavy so that came in handy.

Since it was in a bun, it was wavy so that came in handy

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Ashton came back inside carrying a box.
"This," he said ,"is for you."
"Thanks," I said surprised.
"Open it," he urged when I kept it aside.
"Here?" I asked incredulously. "So? It's just you and me in a private booth."
That was true. He had made enough effort for the date to get us a private booth away from other people.
I took a deep breath and released it and lifted the lid of the box at the same time.
On the top rested a small box.
I took it and opened it to find a light pink jewellery set.

I looked at Ashton wide eyed and he grinned,"Open the other one

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I looked at Ashton wide eyed and he grinned,"Open the other one."
I did and gasped in wonder.

"I did and gasped in wonder

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It was such a pretty dress

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It was such a pretty dress.
I looked at Ashton.
"Will you wear this to homecoming?"he asked hopefully.
"I already have a dress," I said and saw the disappointment in his eyes.
"But, I'll wear this one." I assured him.
"You don't have to if you don't want to.You can wear it to any of our dates."
I smiled at him and saw the light appear in his blue eyes again.
"Let's order," he said.
I was currently siting on my bed wondering whether I love Ashton or not.
Weird question,right? I mean I was near crying in the morning over Kaden but now I'm wondering whether I love Ashton or Kaden.
Closing my eyes, the first thing that I see in my head are always dancing blue eyes.
When I really focus, I see Kaden's smile then jade green eyes.
I really don't know who the love. I mean how do you know when you love somebody?
I've never been in love. I never thought that I would have to think about love in high school.
But, this is life. You gotta do what you've gotta do.
I really need someone's advise.
I get up from the bed,"Grandma!"
Author's Note:
Hey,you guys! How are you? I'm great.
I was thinking that I should update and one of my friends sent me a message that just triggered my writing side. (You should know who you are.)
Anyway, you should totally vote and comment on this chapter and also on the previous ones if you haven't already. That is if you like them.
P.S:Those of you who like horror books should read my friend Zuni2205 book Into the forest.
Hope you liked this chapter and you should expect an update tomorrow.
Love you all! Bye!!

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