Chapter 18

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"So, you see, love is not easy but neither is it complicated."
"Thanks, grandma!" I said and went upstairs to my room.
Hmm, let's go over the list. Wait, you don't know. I just had an hour long talk with my grandma about love.
But, I still don't have the slightest idea whether I love Ashton or Kaden.
Let's see:
when I close my eyes, I see blue eyes first and green eyes after I focus.
Hence: Ashton:1
when I kiss Ashton I feel loved and sometimes when we kiss passionately, it's fireworks and when he touches me, I feel shivers run up and down my body from excitement. I've never really kissed Kaden but I don't feel excited when he touches me.
Hence: Ashton:1.5
I spend majority of my time thinking about Ashton or Kaden. Both so,
Well, looking at this list, it seems like I love Ashton more.
But, should I believe this list or should I believe what grandma said which is that love cannot be calculated. It just is. It happens when you see the person and does your heart jump when you see this person? Do you want to be with them all the time?
Answer: I want to be with both of them which isn't really fair because I LIKE THEM BOTH!!
Ugh! Screw this!
I grab my car keys and after writing a note to my grandma, I go to my second favourite spot.
My second favourite spot is a lake. I stumbled upon it once when I got lost and nearly drove my grandparents to a heart attack.
The lake's water is clear blue and it kind of glows in the evening. I always go there when I don't want to think about anything.
Today, was different. I brought the notebook in which I had made my list of 'Who do I love the most?'
I dumped my open bag on the blanket that me and Kaden had borrowed from my grandma and had still not returned.
I laid down on the blanket with my hands under my head and gazed at the stars. They looked really bright from here.
I sighed once more and reached for my phone. I opened my Instagram and imagine my surprise when I saw a selfie uploaded by Rachel with the tags:
Seriously, this girl needs to widen her vocabulary. I mean,who writes bad boyfriend.
I mean it's either cheating ex or bitch of a boyfriend. Ok, I need to control my language.
Well, there goes my plan of asking Kaden to join me. I throw  the phone behind me and it landed with a thud.
I made for my notebook without looking and my hand came in contact with leather.
And not just the leather of my bag but the leather of someone's shoe.
"Aaaaaaaahhhhhh!" I shrieked so loud they probably heard me in the nearby neighbourhood.
"Whoa,relax there,Alice."
I opened my eyes to not come face to face with my serial killer but my boyfriend, Ashton.
"You scared me, you idiot," I said putting a hand over my heart and gazing up at him.
He grinned,"My ninja skills need to me commended,right?"
I rolled my eyes,"Yeah right. Anyway, what're you doing here?"
"That's what I should me asking you," he said making himself comfortable by sitting cross legged in front of me.
"This is my secret spot," I replied proudly. I mean why should I not be proud? My nine year old self found it.
"Well, it's not so secret because I come to this every evening."he replied.
"But I thought that nobody knew this place!"
He laughed,"You look like someone told you that you've been cheated out of something!"
I pouted,"Shut up!"
He surprised me so much that I almost fell back on my butt but I grabbed his neck. He kissed me like there was no tomorrow.
It was immediate fireworks. I had never been kissed like this before. Never ever in my life. I felt like I was loved and happy and everything was just fine.
I kissed him back with equal ferocity and passion. My body was on fire and it looked like his was too.
He pulled me up so that I was sitting in his lap.
We pulled apart for air.
He grinned at me like a Cheshire Cat.
"That was my best ever kiss," I said slightly breathless.
He grinned,"Mine too."
He got up with me still in his arms. I shrieked,"Ashton Jacobs put me down!"
He grinned,"Nope."
He walked over to the lake.
"No,no,no , Ashton!!" He was walking towards the lake.
"Say the magic word." I gripped him around the neck.
"Alright!" Then that idiot dropped me in the lake.
"Ashton Jacobs!! How dare you!" I come up and yell at him.
He grinned sheepishly. I grabbed his hand and pulled him in.
He pulled the both of us down and we kissed in the lake. When I thought of it later, I realised that it was cliche but in that moment it felt like heaven on earth.
I kissed him back and when we came up for air I grinned so hard that my face started hurting.
Right there and then my life felt perfect.
Author's Note:
Hi guys!
I loved writing this chapter but I do hope that it is not too cliche for you.
Plus, I changed the cover, title and the description too.
I hope you like this chapter make sure to hot that star button to vote and follow me.
P.S:Read my friend's Zuni2205 book 'Into the forest.
Thank you and love you guys.

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