Chapter 13

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I pushed through the crowd along with Lily. We went in the middle and there in the middle of the crowd of mostly girls, stood Britney and Kaden. Kaden looked sick. His nose was red and his eyes were bulging like he had a headache.
Britney, on the other hand was another story. She was fake crying and clinging onto Kaden's arm. I rolled my eyes and stepped forward.
"All right people, move it!" I shouted as I went through the circle and grabbed Kaden's arm.
He looked at me gratefully while Britney was again another story. "Get away, you!"she nearly screamed.
I ignored and pulled Kaden through the crowd.
We stumbled into the grounds and I dragged him to my car.
"So, what was all that about?" I inquired. "As you know Britney was being bitchy back at my house so I told her that she should just fuck off. She threw a tantrum, that's it."
I nodded,"Are you sick?" He nodded. "Wanna ditch?" He nodded yet again.
I grinned and starting my car, I backed out of the parking lot.
"It's been a long time since we did this," Kaden remarked. I nodded and sipped on  my chocolate shake.
Me and Kaden had ended up at our favourite place. It was a small place which had amazing shakes.
We came here, despite him being sick and moody.
I took a long pull from my shake and said,"So who are you going to hook up with now?"
It hurt like hell to say this but I wanted to know so that it wouldn't hurt as much.
He shrugged,"I don't know and why are we even talking about that? We should plan a bf's night out. We haven't done those in a while."
I nodded,"Let's just do our Sunday special."
He grinned,"I'm up for it."
I grinned right back at him. Sunday special was when we got up at 8:30 in the morning, met up had breakfast and spent time together.
This usually involved us going to bookstores, music stores and sometimes even the mall.
Last time, we spent the entire day at my house reading old books and watching movies. We ended up getting drunk that night.
Thank fuck it's Friday! I only have to wait for 1 day for Sunday special.
I then remembered that I had to go to the mall tomorrow for a dress with Lily and Maya.
Oh good, I've something planned for the weekend planned.
My train of thoughts was broken by Kaden sneezing. I put some bills on the table and stood up. He followed suit and we went to our house.
After dropping Kaden off, I decided to take the day off. My 4.0 GPA could do with ditching one day of school.
I went to Mc Donald's for lunch and found Lily and Ashton there already.
I walked towards them and the first thing that Lily said was,"You have a lot to explain!"
I nodded,"We ended up getting shakes at the shake and stayed there for a few hours. He was sick so went to his house and watched a movie. When he fell asleep, his mother told me to run along so here I am."
"That's a lot you did for what like four hours!"
"Yep," I replied popping the p. "What happened anyway after we left?"
Ashton rolled his eyes,"Britney went to her first four classes and cried with her head down. Frankly, I think it was just for attention. Anyway, she was found with a football player during lunch. Seriously, that girl has left fucking playboys ten steps behind."
I couldn't agree more.
"By the way,Lily I hope you remember that we have a shopping date with Maya. We need a homecoming dress."
She nodded," Thank god, people like Maya exist. I was thinking of taking you myself."
I shrugged and bit into my burger.
Ashton spoke up,"Ali, you free this Sunday?" I shook my head.
He looked somewhat disappointed. "Monday then?" "Yeah, I'm free on Monday except that it's a school night."
Lily rolled her eyes so hard I swear I heard them crack. I ignored her,"But who even cares?"
He grinned.
"Is it a date?"asked Lily. "It is now," was Ashton's only reply.
I went home after lunch and decided that I really needed to chill out.
I pulled on lazy day clothes and went to the tree house that our parents gave us as a birthday present.
I grabbed my favourite books that included 'Let it Snow' 'The Fault In Our Stars' and 'Will Grayson,Will Grayson.'
I climb up the tree house that stood right above the fence that separated our backyards.
I loved that after such a long time I had sometime to myself. Some place to think out loud and some place to goof around.
Author's Note:
So, I hope you liked this chapter. I didn't really feel like updating but I think I owe you guys this for 461 reads.
Thank you for that. Vote, comment and share.
Bye for now.

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