Chapter 19

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Picture of Isabelle.
"So, why did you come to your secret spot today of all days?" Ashton asked me.
We were still spread out on the now wet blanket.
"I had troubling thoughts so I thought that I could come and clear my head." I replied.
"Really, what's got you thinking?" he asked, tapping my head with his knuckles.
"Nothing special plus I really like this place," I hurriedly answered. I don't want him to know that I was writing differences between him and Kaden.
He shrugged,and I shivered. God, why is it so cold in the evenings in Georgia?
"Hey, let's g home before you freeze."
I didn't even bother to argue with him.
"Oh wait, Ash. I brought my car."
"No worries,Alice. I can bring it to you tomorrow."
"Thank you so much,Ashton."
He smiled and I followed him to his car with his jacket draped over my shoulders to seek its warmth.
I am currently shivering under my covers.
Taking a dip in the lake was not my best decision.
I reach over to my phone and it starts ringing.
Lily's picture pops up.
(Lily in bold and Alison in italics.)
Hey, Ali.
Hi, what are you doing?
Oh, I just broke up with Jake.
And you're not crying or moping or asking for chocolate or wearing fuzzy pajamas.
Oh, I'm not. That guy literally wanted me for just his needs so I dumped his ass. A very nice ass nonetheless.
Only you, Lily. Only you.
I know right. I mean why would I be in a relationship with a douche bag who just uses women? I'm a feminist.
I laugh,Anyway, what are your plans for homecoming now? Do you want me to tell Ashton fact we are going as a girls group.
Nah, no need to be that sweet. I can just go with Fred.
Wait, Fred asked you out? Yeah,he did. I said I'll think about it but really I just wanted to turn him down. Now, I'm not.
You shouldn't really, because he is a nice guy and he also had good looks. I mean blonde hair and grey eyes? Who can say no to that?
Sh laughed,True. So, you wanna meet at Starbucks?
No, it's cold and I fell in a lake.
How the hell did you manage to fall in a lake?
I didn't. Ashton managed to throw me in a lake. He didn't even consider that it would be cold and I could freeze to death then he wouldn't have a date to homecoming.
Lily laughed again and for a long time too. Do you know that you blabber too much for my pretty ears? You probably don't. Anyway,I'm coming over so see you.
Yeah, see you.
God, talking to Lily can be exhausting. I snuggle into my blankets and sleep engulfs almost immediately.
I woke up to the sun shining brightly. Like really brightly. I looked over to my blasted alarm clock to find that it was 10'o clock.
Meh, it looks like I'm ditching school.
So, I got up brushed my teeth, took a steaming bath and washed my hair.
To avoid frizz I used the hair products that my mom gives me and dried my hair using a blow dryer.
When I went downstairs, Athena had already set out French toast for me.
It was cold so it must've been resting there for quite a while.
I put it in the microwave and decided to check my phone.
I had several texts from Lily.
I came over to your house and you were asleep so I left. I didn't know you would be ditching without me. And you and Ashton both. Uggghhh😡😡😡😡😡😤😤😤😤🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻.
Okay. I didn't know that I would be ditching, on my defence. I text that to Lily and plug my phone into charge.
While eating my breakfast, I think about Lily's text.
She texted that Ashton didn't come either. Was he sick because of me pulling him in the lake and then taking his jacket too?
I made up my mind, after breakfast I'll go visit him a bad return the jacket back to him.
I quickly eat the rest of my breakfast and run upstairs to get ready.

I let my hair down on its natural waves and put on some mascara and gloss

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I let my hair down on its natural waves and put on some mascara and gloss.
After slipping my phone in my purse and grabbing Ashton's jacket, I walk outside and start the engine.
After a 15 minutes drive, I arrive at Ashton's house.
I ring the bell and a woman near to my moms age opens the door.
She looked like my mom. Professional and elegant and sophisticated and her eyes were even bluer then Ashton's if that was possible.
"Hi, I'm Ashton's-" "Oh, honey you must be his girlfriend Alison. He talks about you all the time,
My cheeks immediately heat up,"Yeah, it's nice to meet you."
I stick my hand out and she ignores it and hugs me instead.
"Nice to meet you too. Ashton tool  a day off because Izzy was sick and she loves him so much that she doesn't let go of him when she's sick. Oh, come on in."
"Thanks," I step in and I have to admit his house was as big as mine. Maybe a little larger.
It was as elegantly furnished as well. My eyes spotted a picture of Ashton and a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes whom I supposed was Elli.
"Mom, who's here-Oh Alice. Hey."
"Hi, I came to return this to you," I stick out the jacket in his direction.
"Thanks, you didn't have to, I could've picked it up myself."
"It's alright."
"Umm, come on in."
I followed him inside and he led me inside to what I suppose was a bedroom. His mom who's name I still don't know is nowhere to be found.
"Umm,Ashton, why do you call me Alice?"
"I like to call you Alice. Everybody calls you Ali so I thought that I could call you Alice. I can stop if you don't like it, though."
"No no, it's fine. I like it too."
We enter the room and it's .....really pink.
Everything starting from the bed to the walls is pink.
My eyes fall on to a little girl with flushed cheeks.
"Are you Ashie's giwfwiend?"
"Izzy, you say hello first and then ask questions remember?" admonished Ashton.
"Sowwy."she blushes.
I walk over to her,"Hi, I heard you aren't feeling well."
"I have a sunny nose and my thwoat hurts."
"Oh, I'd that why you didn't let Ashton go to school?" "Yes. Are you his giwfwiend?"
"Yeah, I am. Now, did you know that I pulled him into a lake yesterday?"
"Really? Ashie hates water!"
"Guys, I'm standing right here!" I turn to him and stick my tongue out. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Izzy doing the same.
We turn to each other and start talking other.
Author's Note:
Hey guys. So, four updates in a row!!
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Thank you so much for 700 reads.
Also read my friend Zuni2205 'Into the forest.'
Thank you for reading.

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